You Wake Up Next To Him {P22}

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Don't worry, most of these are innocent. MOST.

I also may have used this as an excuse for shirtless bois

I also may have used this as an excuse for shirtless bois

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Izuku Midoriya

You yawned as you blinked a few times, adjusting to the light in the room and turning over slightly. You stared at a sleeping Izuku, him being in his All Might pj's as if he were still Dai's age made you chuckle. Luckily you weren't loud enough to wake him just yet as you placed you hand against his cheek and pulling his face closer, kissing him. You soon felt arms wrap around you waist and a smile against you lips as you pulled away to see Izuku looking back at you.

"Morning Y/N..." he said yawning, "Morning Izu.." you said as you laid your head against his chest. "Did you have a good nights rest?" he asked making you nod as you snuggled closer into him. "I don't wanna go to school today.." you said, remembering it was Monday, he smirked as he kissed your neck "I'm willing to stay home today~" "Oh~ I see~" you were about to kiss him when, "Y/N! DEKU! MOM SAID TO GET UP!" Dai said, banging on your door. You groaned as Izu got off you, "Looks like we don't have a choice, heh.." "Yeah, yeah.." you said as you slowly started to get up, "We're continuing this later though.." "Of course.."

Katsuki Bakugou

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Katsuki Bakugou

'Goddammit I can't feel my legs..' you thought, as you woke up next to you blonde boy Bakugou. You turn your head as your pout turns into a smile as you looked at his bedhead and purple covered neck making you chuckle as you slid forward and wrapped your arms more around his chest and blushing slightly as you felt a certain.. umm.. friend.. against your leg. You simply ignored it as you snuggled more into his chest.

You soon felt a kiss be placed on your head as you looked up at Katsuki, "Morning Katsuki.." "Morning.. Babe.." you pouted again and flicked his forehead "Ow! What was that for?!" "For making me unable to walk today, therefore you are lucky today is Saturday.." he smirked and kissed your forehead. "Worth it~" he said as you smacked his chest "K-Katsuki!" "Hehe~" he laughed as he pulled you back into him and looked at the clock, "My parents have already left by now... so we can stay in bed longer.." "Well I can't walk anyways soo.." "And I'll take full responsibility~" "I AM GOING TO SLAP YOU BAKUGOU!"

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