🥦 Proposal: Izuku Midoriya 🥦

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okay yes, we're doing it like I did with the facts of dating again because it needs to be-

I also like to use this to see favorites in characters cause why not, Bakugou will probably get the most reads but I might be mistaken-

also we're like- very close to 1 Million reads and I never thought I'd say that

and while you're reading this- maybe leave a suggestion as to what that million special should be? (BESIDES THE WEDDING- unless time-)

Sorry this took an extra two days- I have school stuff, DMV testing, and I kind of forgot to finish this a bit-


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"Izuku, can you please tell me what you have planned for tonight?" You asked, laying on the bed as you watched your boyfriend get ready for his day at work. "I'll tell you later, Honey." He smiled, leaning down to face you "I love you." You smiled back at him, "I love you too." You leaned up, kissing him for a few seconds before he pulled away, standing up. "I'll see you when I get home." "Okayy..."

Deku eventually got to work, clearly nervous as to how this would go as he walked in. "Izuku!" Ochako yelled, waving him over to her, Iida, Shoto, and Momo. He smiled, walking over to the water fountain his peers were at. "Have you done it yet?" "Well- no, but I plan on doing it tonight! I'm taking her to our favorite spot and we're having a-" "A picnic?" the four said in unison as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I-It works! It was our first date!" "I know silly! I helped her pick out the outfit!" Uraraka reminded as Izuku thought back.


You two were laughing together, eating your sandwiches as Deku glanced at your polka dot dress. "I-I like your dress." He said nervously as you smiled, "Thanks Izu, Ochako actually helped me pick it out... I forgot I had this dress!" "W-well it looks good on you..." He said, noticing one of your hands on the blanket as he put one of his over yours. You both looked at your blushing hands before looking away, blushing messes of teenage emotion. "T-this is nice.." You said, Izuku nodding in response, "..We should do this again.." "Y-yeah.."


"Midoriya... Midoriya... Midoriya!" Iida said, snapping his fingers in his friends face as Deku popped out of his memory. "O-oh! Heh.. Sorry."

"It's find Midoriya. But we do need to get to work." "Yes, I quite like this agency and wouldn't want to be caught slacking." Iida and Momo reminded, "It's a good thing Y/N has the day off today, we wouldn't have been able to get that conversation in." Ochako remarked, walking with Izu and Iida, "We'd have to be sneaky~" She joked, making the other two laugh. "Iida, Ochako, I'll see you two later, I need to get to my office." "We'll say you two soon-to-be Mr. Engaged!" "Yes, good luck Midoriya." The two nodded as they separated.

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