They Get Sick {P38}

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So I didn't originally plan to write this but..

I did like this suggestion so here we are ^^ I hope you enjoy the chapter 😊

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I did like this suggestion so here we are ^^ I hope you enjoy the chapter 😊


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

"Achoo!" he sneezed as you came back into the room, holding a bowl of chicken noodle soup with All Might noddles. You went to kiss his head, but he turned away. "N- Achoo! No.. I don't want you getting sick to.. Especially when you have- ACHOO! A patrol case tomorrow.." "Izuku.." you sighed.

"You're more important then some silly patrol mission.." you replied, kissing his forehead "Now eat your soup.. I don't want you to not get better just because you don't want me getting sick.." he smiled, nodding as he sat up from the couch, taking the bowl and spoon from you and starting to eat as you sat beside him, grabbing the remote from the center table in front of you. "Let's see what on TV!" you said excitedly as you turned on the TV, the news being the first thing to come on since you both were watching it this morning.

"Bank Robbery in process with quirked robber, heroes are needed to help restrain the robber but currently no one has arrived on scene yet." you gulped, looking over to your boyfriend as he sighed, still smiling.

"You can go... I'll be okay on my own..." "Are you sure? I mean they can always get someone else to do it-" "I can tell you want to go... besides you've been taking care of me for the past day and a half.." you smiled sadly, kissing his cheek and quickly running to go change. You came back out to see the bowl on the table and Izuku having just fell asleep on the couch. You smiled, quickly making your way over to bank, attempting to be quick to get back to him in time for him to wake up, 'Just gotta be quick. If I leave Izuku alone for too long he might break something...'


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