Girls Night {P40}

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We back bitches-

We back bitches-

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Izuku Midoriya

"How do I look?" I asked, looking at Izuku as I walked out to the living room of our apartment, putting in my other hoop and grabbing my jacket. He smiled, looking away from the TV and standing up, walking over "You look great." He replied, kissing my forehead, "Hehe~ Thanks Izu.." Just as I said that I heard a car honk outside, "Oh! That must be the girls!" You gave him a quick peck as you made your way to the door, "I'll be back before midnight! Love you!" He laughed as you closed the door, getting out a quick "Love you too.."

As you hoped into the backseat of the car, you smiled at Ochako and Tsysu as Ochako started to drive, "So how are you two ladies doing tonight?" "I'm good! Tenya had a meeting tonight so he didn't really care all that much about me going out tonight." "Same with Tokayami, ribbit." They replied, "Izu has work in the morning so he's heading to bed early.." "Well with being the number one hero I wouldn't be surprised!" Uraraka laughed. I laughed as did Tsysu along with her as we finally pulled into the parking lot of the club, "So glue or no?" "Not for me! I gotta drive us all home after!" Ochako smiled, waving her hands, "Well it wouldn't be fair if we drank and you didn't." "Agreed, ribbit."

Once you got marked as being below the drinking age (which fun fact is 20 in Japan. But I have them as 19 here so yeah) you made your ways inside, specifically towards the dance floor, they always played good songs at this club, some were of course repeats but still good, so it was easy to get your dance on when you were here.

After about 20 minutes, Tsysu went to the bathroom and Ochako went to go get water, leaving you by yourself as you danced, you were really in your grove until you felt hands on your hips and someone pull you into them. "Hiya Sexy~" you turned, seeing some random man you didn't recognize, "The hell do you want creep?" "Just looking for a good time~ Seems you are too~" he tried to step forward but you took one back, readying your quirk just in case, "Listen asshole. I have a boyfriend, fuck off." "Well I don't see him anywhere. What he doesn't know won't hurt him..."

Eventually someone, who I'm assuming was his friend, walked over and placed him hand on the man's shoulder "Um. Dude. That's Deku's girl." Fear immediately spread over the mans face as he looked back to me, "Y-you're number one's girl?" "Yeah. I am. Now that you have the acknowledgment I'm in a relationship, I'll give you one last chance to fuck off." He put his arms up, stepping back "Listen! I'm sorry! J-just don't mention this to him!" He pleaded, running off as you sighed, Ochako walking back over with Tsysu, "I still don't understand how it took so long to get water- Hey? You okay Y/N?"

You nodded, taking your water "I'm good. I probably gotta leave soon though, it's 11:30, I told Izu I'd be home before midnight." "Yeah, ribbit," Tsysu said, looking at her phone "..Tokayami just got home, ribbit" "Okay! Let's just drink this water first please? It took sooo long to get.." You all laughed, quickly finishing your waters before making your way outside to Ochako's car so she could take you home.

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