🍱 Tamaki Amajiki: Catch Up 🍱

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And the winner is... Tamaki Amajiki! (at the time of writing this)

So now to write his catch up... joy...

Also I feel like I also now have to add Hitoshi in because as I'm writing this he's starting to get more votes so... great...

I'll probably add Hitoshi soon but school just started back for me so yeah.


~How You Meet~


"Okay.. bread.. bread.. Bread!" I yell as I spot the last loaf of bread on the shelf. "Now I can get Dad to make his amazing sandwiches!" I start walking up to the bread when I notice someone also going for the bread. 'Oh hell no.. NOT TODAY!' I sped up, determined to get my hands on the bread.

As I make it to the loaf I reach up at the same time as the guy who was after my bread originally. Our hands touch as we grab on to the loaf. "A-AH! I-I-I'm sorry!" he said as he pulled his hand away, I take the bread and hold it as I look at him, 'Wait.. do elves exist?' I ask myself as I notice his pointy ears. I walk over and tap them "Are these naturally or.."

He pulls back and covers his ears, "Y-yeah.. they're real.. c-c-could you not touch t-t-them please?" "Oh sorry! I just thought you bought them from a costume shop or something!" "That's understandable...". As we continued talking and getting groceries the store announced they were closing soon.

"Well I better go check out.. Tamaki? Right?" "Y-Yes.." I take the bread out of my cart and hand it to him. "Have it. I can always get more.." he smiles and thanks me as I start walking to check out.


~You Meet Again~


'Still can't believe I made it into UA.. feels like a dream..' I think as I walk up to the gate, as I look around the campus I can't help but be more and more amazed. "Wow.. ow!" I yell as I bump into someone. I look up to see a girl with periwinkle hair, "Sorry! I got distracted!" she looks back at me and smiles, helping me up.

"Oh it's okay! New students normally get distracted!" she shakes my hand "I'm Nejire Hado!" "Y/N L/N.." "Well it's nice to meet you L/N! Which class are you heading to?" "(Insert whatever class the big 3 are in because Idk)" Nejire smiled "That's my class! Here I'll walk you!" "Thanks.."

As we walk into class I notice a certain elf boy "Tamaki?" he turns to me as his face becomes red "Y-Y/N!?" "You two know each other?" Nejire asks "Not very well.. we met at the store the other day.." "Ooh~ Is this the girl you were-?" the boy with blonde hair is cut off by Tamaki covering his mouth "B-b-be quiet Mirio!" I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off as I walk over to them with Hado.

"So Y/N right? What's your quirk?" Mirio asks "Oh! I have a flight quirk!" I say as I slide my jacket off and let my wings show (you can make them bird, dragon, etc. As long as they're wings) "Woah! That's so cool! Don't you think so Tamaki?" Hado asks. He simply nods, "W-w-well we better get ready for class.." he points out as me and others agree, taking our seats.


~His Opinion On You~

Y-Y/N? Well she's.. nice.. her wings are pretty.. I-I-I mean! P-p-pretty cool! It's probably also why she likes bread so much.. and she kinda reminds me of Hado except she's not as loud and energetic, she's more relaxed but she is nice.

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