Apologizes {P11}

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Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

I was walking Dai home from school early, our parents were busy and he had gotten in trouble so Principal Nezu let me go home early so I could take care of him. Once I get home I notice a certain green haired boy leaning against the wall near the door, I sighed "Dai go inside.. I'll make you dinner when I get there.." Dai nodded and waved to Deku as he walked inside. I walked up to Deku and asked "What do you want..?" he ran his hand through his hair "..I came to say.. I'm sorry.." I smiled slightly, happy that he was apologizing.

"I-I know I messed up.. but.. I miss you, and I shouldn't have been so jealous about your brother of all people! I understand if your still upset, but-!" I shut him up by grabbing his face and kissing him, after a little while he started kissing back. It was getting heated when we heard Dai say "Eww!" we pulled back quickly as I glanced over he said, "Can I have food now?" I sighed and said, "Sure bud.." I looked back at Izu ", Want to join us?" he nodded as we all walked inside and started making dinner.

" I looked back at Izu ", Want to join us?" he nodded as we all walked inside and started making dinner

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Katsuki Bakugou

I was sitting on my bed reading 'How To Kill A Mockingbird' when I suddenly heard a knock on my door, I sighed as I heard my mother answer the door and I went back to reading my book. I soon heard someone walk up to my room door and knock "Go Away." I said before recognizing the voice on the other side. "Y/N.. come on.. I just wanna talk" I sighed and stayed quiet, I heard him groan as he just opened my door and walked in, closing it behind him. "Please Y/N, just let me explain.." I looked at him, my eyes slightly glossy "5 minutes. You have 5 minutes."

"Y/N look.. I know I fucked up.. I was just stressed.." as much as I wanted to look at him, I kept my eyes on the clock. "Bubbles, I've known you since we were kids.. why would I say something like that on purpose?" I made a sad smile "..Because you realized that I do not deserve you.." all he did once he heard this was grab and hug me. "Idiot.. if anything I don't deserve you.. You're smart, beautiful, kind.. heck, you probably deserve to be a hero more then I do.." once I heard this I pushed him back slightly and gave him a gentle kiss, "Porcupine.. I love you.. I forgive you.. just don't ever say you don't deserve to be a hero." he smiled before kissing me again.

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