Chapter Forty Three

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Atsushi POV

"Where are we going?!" I asked once more, stumbling behind Kyoka as she dragged me along to some unknown location.

Yet again, I received no response. We had long since exited the center city and had mostly been passing classic, giant suburban houses with huge lawns and fancy cars parked outside for the past five minutes or so. 

"What a way to spend a lunch break," I sighed, "at this rate we're going to be late getting back to the Agency."

Kyoka, again, said nothing.

"Can you at least tell me if we're close?" I grumbled in mild annoyance.

At that, the younger girl abruptly stopped and turned to face me.

"We're here." she said monotonously and pointed to the house we were standing beside. 

I turned to see a cottage that could have been out of a movie. It was relatively small and painted white with a shingled roof and pale yellow shutters. Behind the white picket fence, there was a sweet stone pathway leading up to a the door. The path itself was surrounded by foliage. It seemed that one side was all vegetables while the other was full of flowers and herbs. On one side of the garden was a dirt path leading to a shed. I could just make out what looked like three motorcycles through the shed's door which hung slightly ajar.

Kyoka confidently unlatched the white picket gate and marched up to the door, my hand still held tightly by her own. With great insistence, she pressed the bell next to the door and then pulled back, bouncing slightly on her toes in what I'd have to assume was excitement.

There was some yelling from behind the closed door and after a moment, it opened to reveal Akutagawa.

He was wearing black jeans and a white tee shirt instead of his usual victorian boy get up.

My mouth fell open slightly as he passed his surprised gaze first from my face and then down onto Kyoka's. When he saw Kyoka, he smiled slightly. It wasn't his crazy and terrifying maniacal grin but much smaller, softer, and almost a bit sweet. 

"Come in" he said, standing to the side and letting us pass.

We entered a living room full of mismatched furniture and sunlight. There was a sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, and a tv mounted on one of the side walls. On the other side wall was a staircase leading to the upper half of the house. The back wall was covered with bookshelves surrounding an archway that presumably lead into the kitchen and dining area.

"Take off your shoes." said Akutagawa as he closed the door softly, "Please."

I tried not to show my surprise at his politeness as I did so.

"You own me a dollar." came an equally soft voice and I looked up to see a smirking girl in a long white dress with long black hair leaning over the back of the couch.

"Yeah I know, I know." hummed Akutagawa, waving his hand.

"Who is it?" came a voice from in the kitchen.

"Its for you." responded Akutagawa, the small smile returning to his face.

"For me?" questioned Y/n as she came into view.

She was wearing a pair of loose black cargo pants and a gray wife beater beneath a pale blue apron.

"I told you they'd be coming soon!" she exclaimed, wiping her hands on her apron as she approached us.

She opened her mouth as if to say something else when the doorbell rang again. Y/n, Akutagawa, and the girl on the couch exchanged a few confused glances before Y/n mouthed a word to Akutagawa and he nodded with a sigh before opening the door.

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