Chapter Twenty Four

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My eyes too widened and I dropped Juni's hand.

"Ryu-kun..." I muttered under my breath.

Slowly I turned around to face him.

"Ryu-kun!" I yelled running over to him and giving him a hug which he reluctantly returned.

Once I realized what I had done I pushed myself away and crossed my arms.

"Of course not." I said coldly, "They are innocent. They have so much ahead of them. I don't want it taken away."

Ryu gave me an understanding look before giving my head a pat and activating Rashoumon.

I ran a hand gently along one of the tendrils, eyes wide.

"I forgot how beautiful it was." I mumbled before turning towards my now enemies and activating my shadows so that the head of a dragon leaned over my shoulder. (editing author: bitch it's been three days since you last saw him. y r u like thissssss)

"Fear death." said Ryu slowly.

"Fear slaughter." I taunted.

"Those who desire death, have an equal desire to die." he finished, stepping forward.

He attempted to stab Naomi and Juni but I blocked his attacks. He sent me a confused glance.

"They have so much. Do you want to do to them what people have done to us?" I said quietly.

Ryu backed off.

"Besides Ryu," I continued, petting my shadow dragon's nose, "they could be useful recruits. Do you guys wanna join the mafia?"

"Y/n-chan... You're a completely different person than we thought you were, right?" asked Juni, looking at the ground.

"I'm not different, I'm just not holding back." I said, "I don't belong at the agency. I have no more place in the 'normal' world. This is my home. The mafia is my family. I am more myself than ever around the people I trust. You just only ever met half of me."

"Anyway, it is nice to meet you." said Ryu, turning to Atsushi.

"I would disagree. Meeting him is not nice. I don't wish it upon my worst enemies." I muttered under my breath causing Ryu to crack a slight smile.

This seemed to scare Atsushi more.

"I'm Akutagawa." said Ryu, "one of the port Mafia's dogs."

He began to cough into his hand.

"Akutagawa-senpai!" cried Higuchi in alarm, "I can handle this myself! Y-"

In one smooth movement, he had hit Higuchi to the floor.

"I believe my orders were to take the were-tiger alive yet, here you are. Gunning everyone down." he yelled, "Yet, the only person you ended up hitting is one of your senpais. You are useless! Stand down."

"I agree with your reaction but, Ryu-kun, you need rest. Have you been sleeping well?" I muttered into his ear.

"Later." he said before turning back to the group.

"Higuchi-san, you really need to not only learn to respect your senpai's but also work on your acting skills. I'm surprised so many people fell for it."

Higuchi turned bright red and I rejoined Ryu.

"Take the were-tiger alive?" repeated Atsushi, "what are you after?"

"Our target has always been you, and you alone, were-tiger." said Ryu and I nodded in agreement, "You should thank Y/n-chan here for not letting your fellow agents get caught in the crossfire."

"This is your karma At-su-shi..." I sang, "you will cause ill for everyone around you just by being alive. I'm just lucky I was able to stop it this time."

"My karma?" repeated Atsushi.

"Ability, Rashoumon!" said Ryu as Rashoumon made a huge gash in the ground beside the trembling Atsushi.

I applauded his work.

"You missed on purpose, correct?" I inquired as I finished up my minor cheer.

"Yes, of course." responded Ryu, "but my Rashoumon has poor taste. It devours anything and everything. We intend to take you alive but, if you continue to resist, one of us will take your leg next."

"Why..." mumbled Atsushi, "why me?"

"Uhhh! You brat!" I yelled, my dragon rearing his head, "you have a fucking natural born ability that a lot of people would kill to have! This is what happens when you have an ability which you would have known before now if you weren't a complete and total wimp!"

"Atsushi-kun..." said Juni quietly, "run, Atsushi-kun."

Atsushi slowly stood up and began to run, not towards the exit, but straight to Ryu.

"Choosing death over surrender?" I said, amused at his antics.

"How... bothersome." sighed Ryu, striking out with Rashoumon.

status: edited October 26th 2023

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