Chapter Forty Four

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Hey i just wanted to remind you all that this fic probably has about ten - fifteen more chapters left in it. also it is now definitely just Akutagawa x reader. also i think i'm discontinuing death becomes us. also i think i'm publishing the first few chapters of either shark or begin again soon. so vote on which you'd prefer!!! (editing author: begin again is up as is The Land is Inhospitable and so are We. Sadly, shark never panned out as a story but theres nothing to say it might not someday in the future!)
chuuya x reader
dazai x reader
and whichever one gets more comments saying yes i will publish first.
anyways, on to the chapter.

Editing author: okay, chuuya clearly won so I have published the first two chapters of my Chuuya x reader fic as of today (june 15, 2021). It's called Begin Again and Im super excited about it so you should check it out :)


I was walking home from the grocery store when I spotted Kyoka sitting on a bench along the pathway to a judicial building on the outskirts of the city. It had been about a week since she had visited Ryu and I at our house so I figured I'd stop by and have a chat.

As I walked towards her, I realized how dejected she looked, staring at her hands with a sad look in her eyes.

"What's wrong pretty girl?" I asked once I reached her, setting my bags on the ground and taking a seat beside her.

She looked up, eyes wide with surprise before she looked back at her lap solemnly.

"I failed." she said monotonously, "They're going to kick me out of the agency."

"I'm sure that can't be true." I sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a hug, "If any enterprise would understand making mistakes I think it would be the Agency, as long as you learn from them. Wanna tell me what happened?"

Kyoka was silent for a moment before she pulled away, turning to face me.

"I tased the man I was meant to deliver a package to." 

I was silent for a moment before I burst out laughing.

"Whats so funny?" asked Kyoka, confused.

"I was expecting so much worse than that based on your reaction! You'll be fine my love, they will understand. It is hard to adjust to their way of working, isn't it."

Before Kyoka could respond, Atsushi walked up, holding a crepe out for Kyoka.

"Here." he said, kindly not seeming to notice I was there,"The president has settled things. He's friends with the judge."

"See, I told you." I smiled, nudging Kyoka with my elbow as she hesitantly took the treat from the silver haired boy, "It will all be okay."

"Oh, hey Y/n-chan." said Atsushi as he took a seat on the other side of Kyouka, "I didn't realize you were here."

"Yeah, I was walking home and I saw her out here looking all sad." I laughed, "The groceries can survive being outside a little longer."

"It was all going so well up until the power outage." mumbled Kyoka, her eyes fixed on her crepe.

"The power outage?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yeah she tased the thing that controlled the lights in the building so she could sneak past the guards." sighed Atsushi.

"Good girl! Good idea!" I exclaimed, impressed, "But thats mafia strategy. You're one of the good guys now, you cant forget that."

Kyoka nodded softly and we sat in silence on the bench, listening to the birds in the trees around us.

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