Chapter Forty

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"Hey Chuuya-san!" I called, swinging into the executives office, "I have a question."

He hummed a go ahead, not even looking up from his computer.

"Well see," I began a little hesitantly, "I've been talking with Kyo-chan and she told me about how wonderfully the stupid tiger treated her when she was captured by the agency and well... I was wondering if you could tell me where he's being held? I would like to thank him."

"Torture chamber under building A." Chuuya responded absent-mindedly.

"Thank you!!" I called, heading out of the office.

When I finally got to the top of the stairs that lead down into the chamber I had been directed to, I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Look Y/n." I mumbled to myself, frozen on the top step with my hand on the railing, "I know you don't like him but he's being tortured and he took good care of someone you care about and it is the least you can do, okay? Okay."

With that, I slowly began my descent into the chamber.

"Look." I called as I walked, darkness still obscuring the contents of the room from my view, "I know I don't like you and you don't like me but I would like to than you, tiger, for..."

I trailed off as I stepped into the dim circle of light and saw 

"Dazai?" I mumbled, confused, "What are you doing..."

"Y/n-chan!" he cheered, "Looking for Atsushi-kun, eyyy?" 

"Yes. I wanted to thank him for taking care of a dear friend of mine." I nodded stepping a bit closer, "What are you doing here?"

"Ahh some little girl who I guess was working for Mori caught me by surprise and brought me in."

"We both know thats a lie. You wouldn't be here unless you wanted to be. Not even Kyoka is that stealthy." I smirked, advancing a bit.

Chuuya POV

As soon Y/n left my office I realized what I had done.

"Shit!" I hissed, jumping up from my desk, "She's not supposed to know he's here! fuck!"

I went to run after her but I guess it had taken me longer than I thought to realize my mistake.

"Well," I hummed, adjusting my hat, "I guess it's time for me to visit him anyways."

And with that, I took off running down the hall.

Dazai's POV

"Y/n-chan!" came a familiar voice from somewhere above us and Y/n-chan's eyes grew wide.

I guess she's not supposed to be down here 

She quickly ran forward and embraced me. I felt my cheeks grow hot, excited she was finally showing some sort of attraction to me, when I heard a whisper by my ear.

"This isn't going to make sense now," she said quietly, her breath tickling my ear, "but when the time comes, promise me you will take care of her. Promise me you will save her."

"I promise." I responded, with little hesitation.

I meant it too. I really would do anything I could for the girl who had her hand wrapped around my neck.

"Thank you." she replied kissing my cheek gently and pulling away at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I don't know what I've done thats made you think I could ever forgive you." she said loudly, a fire coming into her eyes as she summoned her shadows, "You abandoned us! all of us!"

She winked slightly just as Chuuya came into view and I understood that whatever she was doing was a show for my ex-partner.

"Y/n-chan!" he exclaimed, placing a hand on her shoulder, "There you are. Sorry I told you the wrong place to go, I must've misheard you."

Her shadows retreated for the most part as she looked up at Chuuya.

"It's okay Chuu-san." she said with a sweet smile, "I think your mistake allowed me to clear the air with Dazai-san here."
Chuuya looked at me and I smiled lazily at him causing him to growl slightly under his breath.

"Did he do anything to you?" asked Chuuya, returning his gaze to Y/n and looking her over, "are you hurt."

"Ughhhh I'm fine mom!" groaned Y/n as she pulled away from him.

I laughed at her words and Chuuya sent me a violent glare in return.

"Besides, I'm a big girl now, remember?" she hummed bopping Chuuya affectionately on the nose, "I can take care of myself."

Chuuya blushed even harder than before and as much as I wanted to make fun of him for it, I couldn't help but feel bitter about how close he and Y/n were. I couldn't help thinking I wished I was that close with her. Y/n put her hands on her hips with a sigh.

"Anyone know where Ryu or the Tiger are?" she asked the room at large.

"I'll text you." nodded Chuuya, pulling out his phone and typing vigorously for a moment.

There was a ding and Y/n pulled a phone from her pocket, looking at it for a moment before turning to Chuuya.

"Thanks Chuu-san." she hummed before turning the walking up the stairs.

Just before she was out of sight, she turned back around to face us.

"Catcha later!" she called with a lazy salut as she left the room.

Status: edited October 26th 2023

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