Chapter Twenty one

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I walked back into the office after Yo-san had determined I was in perfect health, much to her morbid disappointment to see...Higuchi?

I quietly joined the group of people crowded around her and shot Osa-san a knowing look before turning my attention to Higuchi. The mafia must have decided to act as soon as they got my message the night before.

"So... you mentioned that you wanted an investigation but, what type of investigation are we talking about here?" asked Juni, turning a page in his notebook.

Suddenly, Osa-san was on the ground before her, blabbering on about her 'beauty' but, more importantly, slipping a microphone and tracking device into her pocket.

Kida kicked him away, yelling at him for a solid five minutes before apologizing to the 'shocked' Higuchi. I wanted to share an eye roll at least with her about their eccentric behavior but, couldn't risk being caught.

"Regarding my request," continued Higuchi once Osa-san and Kida had left the room, "Well, it's seems there's recently been a group of distasteful people loitering in my company building's back ally."

"And by distasteful you mean...?" asked Atsushi.

"They appear to be dressed in rags. Some of them have been heard speaking a foreign tongue." said Higuchi calmly.

Talk about playing to stereotypes.

"They must be smugglers or some such." said Kida, leaving Osa-san outside the room, "The military police may police all they want, but they keep multiplying like rats on a ship."

I saw Higuchi's distaste for the statement and was glad no one else had caught it. I would have to have a talk with her when I get back.

"They're unavoidable in a port city." he concluded.

"Right." 'agreed' Higuchi, "if we had some evidence that they were running afoul of the law, we could reach out to the military police. So..."

"You want us to stake out the area and get that evidence." I concluded.

"Brat," called Kida and Atsushi looked up, "you go."

"What!?" cried Atsushi.

"It's a simple stakeout job." said Kida.

"Look," I sighed, "since you obviously don't know what you're doing, I will come with you. Is that alright, Kida-san?"

"Yes, I suppose." said Kida slowly.

"I'll come too." said Juni, "smugglers are usually harmless but, just in case."

"If he's going, I'm going too!" cried Naomi.

"Great." I sighed again, "What a party."

status: edited October 26th 2023

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