Chapter Thirty Three

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Rampo-san got it right, as we all knew he would, and Sugimoto-san was being carted off to jail where he should be.

"Alright Ryu, he should be held in the station for at least a bit. Then locked away in jail. Remember, I have dinner with Chuuya-san tonight so I'll be home late."

"Alright bug, be safe." he sighed through the phone.

"I always am. You too though. I worry about you."

"Alright. See you tonight."

"See you tonight."

I hung up the phone and walked back over to Dazai, Rampo, and Atsushi.

"Did'ya like our little distraction last night?" I asked with a smile.

"That was you!" shouted Atsushi, enraged.

"Well, I helped plan it if thats what you mean."

Atsushi looked about ready to hit me but before he could move a muscle Dazai said: 

"It was pretty entertaining. So, who are you meeting for dinner."

I opened my mouth to reply when a voice rang out form behind me.


"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I smirked to the three boys in front of me before calling over my shoulder, "Hey Chuuya-san, sorry I'm running late. Some dumbass tried to frame the mafia for murder that we didn't commit and I found it to be my responsibility to make sure the amazing Ranpo-san here set it all straight."

Chuuya glared at the three boys before stopping behind me and ruffling my hair.

"Why does everyone do that! stop it! stop it!" I laughed, batting his hands away.

"Ah! Chuuya-kun! how nice to see you." cried Dazai.

Chuuya shot him down with a glare.

"Anyway, I have to go." I smiled, turning around and grabbing Chuuya's hand as we began to walk back up towards the street, "it was nice to see you all again, except for the tiger! send my regards! Oh! and you need him to actually confess instead of just drawing a gun so head on down there Ranpo-san! I trust you to keep the Port mafia's name as clean as can be."

"He doesn't have a power you know" I whispered to Chuuya-san once we were out of earshot, "How cool is that."

"Did you know who it was?"

"It was obvious! I bet only that damn tiger and the cops were clueless."

"Good. Can't have you slipping up." Chuuya smiled and let go of my hand to ruffle my hair once more.

"Stop it Chu-san!"

status: edited October 26th 2023

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