Chapter Six

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"Y/n-chan..." said a faint voice.

With a groan, I opened my eyes to see Dazai leaning over me. I shot up, accidentally bashing my head into his.

"Ahh! Sorry!" I cried as I rubbed my forehead with my right arm.

My left felt as heavy as lead and, when I looked over, I saw it was covered with white bandages. On the table next to Dazai sat a roll of cotton bandages, tape, and a pair of scissors. He proceeded to quickly gather up these objects and put them carefully into his pockets.

"Did you do this?" I asked, gesturing to my arm.

He let out a slight hum, looking over and nodding.

"T-Thank you, Dazai-san." I said sheepishly, looking down into my lap.

"So you do know my name!" He cried out, causing me to jump.

"W-why wouldn't I?" I stuttered, backing up a bit.

"Well..." he said, "that's the first time you've said it."

"Oh... Dazai-san, I have a question."


"I understand if you're not able to answer but, why am I here?" I looked up at him, feeling my eyes fill with involuntary tears. Everything had just been so much and I wanted a reason, something that would take any of it off my shoulders.

"I'm sorry." he said sadly, "I can't tell you."

"Okay." I said, looking back down.

He stood up, causing me to look over.

"You're leaving already?" I asked, almost sadly.

I had come to enjoy our little talks.

"I have been here for over an hour!" He said with a bright smile.

"Well..." I began, anxiously wringing my hands, "can't you stay a bit longer? I was, you know, unconscious for most of it."

"I'm sorry but I have to go." He said, "The boss wants me to close the case I'm working on today."

I nodded and lay back down so he could strap me down. He looked slightly shocked, usually it took more convincing.

"I trust you." I whispered into his ear as a reminder as he leaned down to buckle me in.

Same as the day before, as soon as the duo left my room, I was impaled by six needles. This time it was my right arm and the knife that came down was bigger.

Much bigger.

status: edited October 26th 2023

editing author: i've realized my timeline is slightly off but im not gonna fix it.

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