Chapter Twenty Five

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Atsushi ducked but, was distracted by the bright red light in front of him and did not see my shadows behind him. He tried to move forward but, kept being dragged backwards. Inch by inch thanks to my helpful friends.

I laughed, watching him struggle before my shadow dragon blew a great bout of black fire which obscured Atsushi's vision.

Rashoumon shot forward, building a shimmering cage around the boy and, as the shadows cleared, we saw he was holding

A gun.

I spun on my heel, enraged.

"See this is why we don't bring guns, Higuchi-san!" I yelled before putting up a transparent wall of shadows to protect us.

Ryu let down the cage in shock and soon Atsushi was shooting at our backs, Rashoumon devouring all the bullets, until, there were no more.

Atsushi stopped shooting. What little hope had been in his eyes was now almost completely gone.

"That move wasn't half bad." said Ryu as we turned to face Atsushi.

"In the end," I sneered, "it was a fool's last stand."

"Rashoumon consumed the space the bullets were using to get to us while, Y/n-chan provided a handy barrier of shadows. Nothing can get to us." taunted Ryu.

"We've trained and worked together for the past four years." I said, "we know exactly how to use each other and ourselves. Just give up now."

"And, I am a man to keep my word." growled Ryu, "Y/n-chan, would you do the honors?"

I squealed.

"Really Ryu-kun?" I asked, "Thank you!!"

My shadow dragon shot forward and devoured Atsushi's right leg, spitting it off to the side as said boy fell to the ground in pain. She then slunk along the ground to me. I gave her shifting head a pat before she resumed her place over my shoulder.

Atsushi let out a blood curdling scream as Ryu coughed once again. I gave him a worried look before returning my attention to the boy.

Suddenly, a blue light filled the alley and Atsushi jumped onto a wall, his leg regrowing.

"his leg has regenerated!" gasped Higuchi.

"No shit sherlock." I muttered as Atsushi fully transformed.

"This is how it should be." grinned Ryu.

We exchanged a look that no one else could read.

"You get this one, Ryu. I got the last one. Stay safe." I said before dragging Higuchi away just in time.

We watched as the two men fought. Rashoumon and the tiger.

status: edited October 26th 2023

editing author: not me being too lazy to actually describe the fight. Also, its so clear to me that this was originally in the same chapter as the previous part and I split it up?? cause I was worried about it being too long?? long chapters are the best.

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