Chapter Twenty Six

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I had to admit it, Atsushi was strong. He broke through Rashoumon and it took everything in me to stand back. To not join the fight. I knew that Ryu prefered working alone to working with a partner so, our solution was that we would take turns finishing off people. Today was his turn since the last mission we'd had, I'd been the one to kill the mafia escapees.

Without me noticing, Higuchi had gotten a hold of another gun and began shooting Atsushi.

"What?" she exclaimed once her bullets had run out, "they can't pierce its skin."

The tiger turned to us and I slapped her hard across the face before creating a path of shadows back to Ryu.

He nodded his thanks before leaping back into battle.

"Rashoumon, Agito!" yelled Ryu and the tiger was cut clean in half.

"Nice, Ryu-san." I said, walking over and giving the dead tiger a kick but, not before a completely alive tiger jumped out of the wall and the one before us disappeared.

"Juni-san!" I yelled, spinning around, "why did you do this? We'd be right out of you and Naomi-san's hair if you just let us have this dipshit."

Juni just smiled sadly before disappearing into the background along with his sister.

"Rashoumon, Murakumo!" yelled Ryu and I, yet again, stepped back.

My shadows began to form a cage, slowly closing in on Atsushi as Rashoumon rushed forward.

"Okay, that's enough!" came a familiar voice and a bright white light filled the alley.

Once it was gone, I saw Osa-san, touching my shoulder, elbowing Rashoumon, and tapping Atsushi's nose.

Both of their powers were immediately deactivated.

"Oh, yeah." I said, having forgotten that Osa-san didn't know that wouldn't work on me, "You're power doesn't work on me. I'll stand down though." (editing author: why would your character have known this?? Idk what I was thinking with some of the stuff I wrote.)

My shadows disappeared as Atsushi fell to the ground.

"What?" muttered Ryu.

"You're one of the detectives..." said Higuchi, "why are you here?"

"I'm the type who can't stop thinking about what a beautiful lady might be up to." Osa-san smirked.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" I yelled, drawing all eyes to me, "Higuchi-san, Osa-san put a mike in your jacket pocket. You've really gotta get better with not just your acting and following orders but your overall awareness of what is happening in a situation."

"How could you forget something as important as that?" growled Ryu.

"Maybe I didn't forget and just wanted you and Osa-san to see each other. I take it I was the only one who didn't know he was alive?"

Ryu nodded. Dazai was now sitting on the ground before Atsushi and tapping him.

"Wake up Astushi-kun." he said, bored, "I don't want to have to carry you back."

"You think we'll let you go alive?" asked Higuchi, drawing a gun.

I face palmed.

"Where are all those guns even coming from?" I asked.

Ryu laughed.

"Don't, Higuchi." he said, "you can't win."

"But, Akutagawa-Senpai..."

"Dazai-san," Ryu said, calmly, "we'll retreat for this round but, the Were-tiger will be the port mafia's someday."

"Why?" asked Osa-san, turning to face us.

"Simple enough," responded Ryu, "that were-tiger has a bounty on him from the black market. The bounty sum is seven billion yen."

"Now that's very generous." said Osa-san.

"We'll pay a visit to your agency at a later time." said Ryu, "The port mafia will claim that seven billion."

"Is that a declaration of war?" asked Osa-san, standing up, "Try it, if you dare."

"You are an insignificant small scale operation!" yelled Higuchi, "Where we are this city's darkness made incarnate. We have connections in this city's politics and economy at every level. An agency with a dozen or so operatives will become ashes along with your entire office in less than three days time. No one has opposed us and lived."

"I know all that." yawned Osa-san.

"Indeed." I said.

"You know that better than anyone," agreed Ryu, "being an ex-port mafia member, Dazai-san."

He just smiled in response.

"Well," he sighed, throwing Atsushi over his shoulder as Juni's light snow fell, "we'd better head back to the agency, back home. Right, Y/n-chan?"

I nearly laughed

"Dazai-san," stuttered Juni-san, "she was with them."

Osa-san's face fell.

"I see."

"That shit-hole will never be my home, so long as you're there you fucking traitor." I spat, "you didn't just break your promise and leave me, you left Ryu-kun. You left all of us. Even Chuuya-san was broken up about it. I could honestly care less about some stupid, half thought out promise to some unstable girl in a lab but, you hurt my friends. The people that replaced my family and, for that, I'll never forgive you."

With that, I latched onto Ryu's arm and refused to meet his gaze.

"The few days I spent there, however, were... well, nice." I muttered, "Tell everyone I'm sorry, yeah?"

"Until we meet again." said Ryu and we walked out of the alley, hand in hand with Higuchi trailing behind us.


status: edited october 26th 2023

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