Chapter Thirty Six

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Kunikida POV

Her face went slack with shock and she lowered her gun a bit.

"Kunikida-kun?" she asked, almost sadly.

"You..." I spat in fury, "you betrayed us! You betrayed us for this.. this scum."

She let out a sad little laugh.

"I guess I did, didn't I." she sighed, tilting her head lazily to one side, "You want a betrayer, Kida-kun? You want a villain, a mafioso, a killer. Well, that's just what you'll get."

She looked down, surveying the damage she had done on the taxi and growing more crazed with every passing second.

"Metal is fragile as is the human psyche." she mocked, "I wonder, Kunikida-kun, how fragile are you?"

Spikes of shadow suddenly shot at me out of nowhere which I somehow managed to doge.

"Nice technique." she said, stepping off the car and leaving dents in the cement with every step she took, "I'd be worried if I'd been trying just now."

Five more spikes came up around me on all sides which I quickly avoided only to be met by a single, huge, pillar of shadow which I had no choice but to shoot.

If it hurt her at all, she didn't show it.

"Wow," she taunted, moving even closer still and swaying her hips in a tempting manner, "your a nice shot at a big target."

She shot another pillar of shadows at me and I pulled my gun again, pointing it to her face.

She simply laughed.

"You think your gonna kill me! You think you can kill me! how cute!" she smiled a sadistic smile, "Oh but look at that, you hesitate. Go on, shoot me." 

Her shadows disappeared and she pressed her temple to my gun.

"Put me out of my misery, go on! Do it!" she shouted.

Every single cell in my body told me to pull the trigger but I just couldn't do it.

"I thought so." she laughed, he shadows growing up behind her once more like tentacles, playing with her hair and blotting out the sky.

She was powerful and terrifying and absolutely beautiful. I cursed myself for not seeing it before, for seeing it now, for seeing it at all.

What if my ideal was wrong and I wouldn't meet the right person in four years. What if I already knew her...

All of my foolish thoughts were quickly dispelled as the Mafia's dog Akutagawa dropped down off the roof and walked over to Y/n, grabbing her shoulder protectively.

"Huh?" she said cutely, her shadows and sadistic aura dropping as she turned to face the devil himself.

"Cops are on their way. That man will go to the police anyways. He'll be punished." Akutagawa replied stonily.

"Mori-san won't be pleased!" she teased, bopping his nose before turning to face me and sweeping an imaginary hat off her head, "Until next time, Kunikida-kun!"

And with that, they were gone.


I also really like this chapter. I hope you guys do too.

status: edited october 26 2023

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