Chapter nineteen

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I yawned as I stepped into the office. I had woken up quite early that morning to get to work in time to help the office set up for Atsushi's test. Even though the boy is weak, he would be an advantageous addition to any team. I was excited to get to mess with him. I sat down at a table next to Rampo.

"Good morning, Y/n-chan!" he chirped, happily munching on some overly sweet cereal.

"Good morning Ranpo-san." I said with a smile, "how did you sleep last night?"

Before he could answer Yo-san entered the room, causing Kida-san to stand up, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"As you know," he began, "we are testing our second member this week. Since we haven't had the chance to plan something new, anyone have any ideas?"

"Hmmm...." hummed Naomi thoughtfully.

"We could..." began Kenji, "we could.... ummm....."

"We could stage a murder?" suggested Ranpo.

"Yeah but, he doesn't have 'ultra-detection' like you," I said, ruffling his hair a bit, "I think he'd just get really stressed. It would be funny."

"What about all those bank robbery things with hostages.... hostage situations! we could have a hostage situation!" said Juni-san excitedly, standing up and knocking Naomi off his lap by accident.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Naomi, standing up, "Onii-san can be a scary guy, intent on bombing the agency and can be holding me hostage, just like I do at home, right Onii-chan?"

Juni-san's face turned a bright red.

"That's a good start..." mused Kida, "we have twenty minutes or so until I have to get them so, let's get to work."

~time skip~

Juni was perched on a desk, Naomi tied up and sitting on the floor by his feet. Everyone else was hiding. Me, I had a camera out and was taping the whole thing. Juni-san and Naomi were both very good actors and, as Osa-san, Kida-san, and Atsushi rushed in, he began to mumble under his breath about not being 'able to take it anymore'.

It was all very convincing.

It was quite obvious that Juni-san was enjoying himself too, especially when he made Kida-san kneel on the table. Kenji had to temporarily leave the room because he was laughing so hard.

Atsushi walked forward on shaky legs and I raised my camera to get a better look at the constipated expression he wore.

In the end, after all his foolishness, he was willing to throw himself over a bomb for a group of total strangers. Not many people would do that.

"Man." said Kida-kun, almost disappointed, " I knew he was stupid but, I didn't think he was that stupid.

Atsushi sat up, most of his body still wrapped around the bomb.

"He has the makings for a suicidal maniac, wouldn't you agree, Tanizaki-kun?" smirked Osa-san.

Yo-san, Kenji-san, and Rampo-san all headed off to their various assignments while I stepped out of the shadows and walked into the room.

"Sorry." said Juni as I began to untie Naomi, "Are you okay??"

Atsushi looked shocked.

"Huh?" he said.

As soon as Naomi was free from her bonds, she jumped forward.

"Aw! Onii-chan!" she cried, latching onto him, "are you alright?"

"What?" exclaimed Atsushi, even more confused than before.

"You were so wonderful as a villain!" complimented Naomi while awkwardly rubbing her brother's chest, "I had the time of my life being tied up and threatened! Please, continue where we left off at home."

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