Chapter thirty five

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"So Aku, remind me why it's our job to shoot down some dumbass who kidnapped some low power mafioso?" I sighed, folding my hands behind my head as Ryu, three gun men, and I walked along the warehouses bordering the river.

"Same reason it was your job to make sure the military police and armed detective agency didn't frame us for that lady's murder yesterday." he responded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Hmmm..." I sighed, "Okay. Is that them?"

Ryu turned to see what I was pointing at and saw a stationary cab holding not one but four people.

"Looks like it." he nodded, "Lets get closer and then we'll show them what we've got."

When we were about twenty feet or so away from the cab, Ryu held up his hand, stopping our whole crew.

"Alright. Y/n-chan and I will wait on the roof of the warehouse they're parked in front of in case they try to hide. On my signal, let loose."

We all nodded and assumed our correct positions.

"I wonder who the kidnapper is with." I mused aloud as Ryu and I climbed the side of the building.

"Whoever it is, it's your turn to deal with them."

I hummed my agreement.

Once we were both comfortably standing on the roof, Ryu gave the thumbs up and the gunmen opened fire.

Kunikida POV

"Lets make a deal." suggested the criminal beside me.

"A deal?" I repeated in mild disbelief

"If you agree to my conditions, I'll turn myself in." he said, much to my surprise, "Please protect me at the Armed detective Agency! I need to be protected for 72 hours while the prosecution concludes their questioning and arranges witness protection."

Witness protection?

"What's this about?" I asked, confused.

"I was put up to this." the agency's old informant admitted, "I was assured by a new-fangled organ smuggling organization that this was a great deal I'd never get caught for, and yet..."

"So there is a group behind all of this?" I asked, enraged that he had not mentioned this vital fact sooner, "Where are they!?"

"I don't know." he admitted in shame, "I always meet them in the Harbor Central Building."

"So thats the place." I replied.

"And?" added the annoyance from behind me, "Why do you need out protection?"

As much as I hated the brunette in the backseat, I had to admit: his question was a good one.

"Well..." began the criminal, "It appears one of the people I abducted was with the port mafia."

"Well, that's not good--" was all Dazai replied and I could practically hear his smirk.

Suddenly, bullets smashed through the cars windows.

The sound was so loud it nearly blocked everything else out and we all ducked down in fear.

"The port mafia?!" I asked the car at large while their target screamed for help from beside me.

Before I could stop him, he had opened the car door and rolled out, running off into the warehouse screaming about how he didn't want to die.


"Wait!" I yelled, getting out of the car and crouching behind the open door for protection from the bullets showering us.

"Kunikida-san!" cried Atsushi from behind me and I turned to facer him, "I can't get a signal."

He snapped his phone shut.

"They must be jamming the signal." nodded Dazai seriously

"If we loose the driver, the truth may never come to light." I reminded my colleagues, "Dazai, pursue the driver. Brat, get hold of the police and request backup. I'll distract them as a decoy."

"Roger." they responded in unison as I retrieved my notebook from a coat pocket.

"Let's go!"

I hastily scribbled down the word 'flashbang' onto a black page and tore it out of the notebook.

"Ability: doppo poet!" I cried, "Flashbang!"

I threw the newly acquired device at the mafiosos before us and they were blinded by the bright flash of light it released.

"Now!" I ordered and the two behind me dashed into the warehouse after the driver.

I readied my gun and stood up, shooting all three attackers in the hands so as not to seriously harm them but to get them to stop shooting.

Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the roof and landed with a crash on the taxi, caving it in out of sheer force.

I jumped back and looked up to see my attacker.


status: edited october 26 2023

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