Chapter Ten

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I sat in the office I shared with Ryu (Akutagawa in case you don't recognize the first half of his first name editing author: oh my god I was such a loser when i wrote this!!) working on filling out some paperwork. We were after all, the best duo the mafia had seen since Double Black. This of course meant that we shared an office. I didn't mind though.

The door opened and I looked up to see the familiar face of my partner in crime.

"We have a meeting with Mori-senpai in a few minutes Bug." He announced, closing the door behind him.

Ryu had called me bug for a long time. In our first year working under Chuuya together, back when we still weren't sure about each other, we had undergone a test which involved the two of us being knocked out and waking up tied together in a pitch black room.

The darkness had triggered many flashbacks to my days in medical captivity which, back then, were still fresh in my mind. They will always be fresh in my mind, I think.

I had started to freak out. I couldn't breath and Ryu didn't know how to help. To be perfectly honest, I don't think he really wanted to. I was still closer to enemy than friend back then. Suddenly, the room filled with a light so bright I could see it through my eyelids. I immediately calmed down because of it and was able to open my eyes only to find that I was the source of the light. My very skin itself was glowing. 

Since then, Ryu had called me Bug, short for Lightning Bug. At first it had been an insult but now, it was much more endearing. I mean, back then we were each others competition. Now we are partners, roommates, best friends. (editing author: *gasp* and they were roommates)

I sighed, closing my computer and running a hand through my hair.

"When?" I asked tiredly.

"Right now, get your coat."

"I don't have a coat today."

"Let's go."

We walked in silence through the familiar hallways that wound from our office all the way up to Mori's. Instead of knocking on the door, we just walked right in. Ryu and I could do stuff like that because without us, the Mafia was pretty much screwed.

"Y/n-chan!" cried Elise, running up to me.

I gave her a hug and slipped her a candy from my pocket before walking over to join Ryu in front of Mori's desk.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"I have a mission for you two." he said, quite used to my coldness towards him and most other members of the mafia.

"What is it?" asked Ryu-kun, intrigued.

"There is a were-tiger that has been terrorizing nearby cities for the past few months. Someone has placed a seven billion yen bounty on his head. If we had that, we would be exponentially more powerful as an organization. Word is, the agency is however already looking for him. We need Y/n-chan to go undercover in the agency and work with Akutagawa from the inside to capture him."

status: edited October 26th 2023

editing author: so many of yall are pissed about him calling you bug but i really like it. I think its so cute. Its also slightly based off of the nickname my best friend had for his ex boyfriend which was bugaboo but he always shortened it to bug and i always thought that was adorable.

editing author (but make it a couple years later): why do I add so many superfluous details in this?? why did I make the chapters so short?? I really thought I was doing something too. I pity little baby me who wrote this. Still love it though.

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