Chapter Twelve

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I had been sitting in the tea house for a good two hours, nursing along the same pot of my favorite type of tea. There was still no sign of anyone from the agency. To pass the time, I decided to review their names and abilities in my head. I knew I still had to act surprised when I met them but, it was better to know then not know.

Fukuzawa Yukichi, All Men Are Equal.

Kunikida Doppo, Doppo Poet.

Ranpo Edogawa, Ultra Detection. Not a real ability.

Tanizaki Junichirou, Light Snow.


Someone entered the tea house.

They had a light brown coat and bandages winding tightly around their arms and neck. Their soft brown hair framed their face perfectly. They looked so much happier than I remembered.

"Dazai-san.." I muttered under my breath, not believing my own eyes, barely even realizing that Kunikida walked in after him.

It can't be him. Dazai is dead. He left you and Ryu-kun. He is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Everyone has told you so.

But what if he isn't?

Barely even considering the consequences involved, I found myself standing up.

Calling out.

"Dazai Osamu." I said shakily but, beginning to get a bit louder, "Dazai Osamu!"

I yelled.

Everyone in the restaurant turned to face me and I felt my face go red.

Dazai turned to face me, the smile he wore slipping from his face.

"Y/n-chan?" he asked quietly.

I nodded.

We began to walk towards each other, like in one of those cheesy movies where we ended up in a hug in the middle of the floor.

We pulled apart, tears streaming down my face. He looked highly confused but not altogether disappointed.

"They told me you were dead!" I sobbed into his shirt.

"Y/n-chan, what are you doing here?" he asked, awkwardly patting my back.

My tears immediately stopped and I pushed myself away from him.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I asked, coldly, "You never came so, I got myself out."

"Y/n-chan, I'm sorry. The situation was very complicated. I wanted to come back for you, I really did it just... wasn't possible." said Dazai sadly.

I took a deep breath, knowing I had to choose my words carefully, not just for my own sake but for my missions as well.

"I trust you." I said, repeating my words from so long ago, with the addition of a harsh "don't fuck it up."

Kunikida cleared his throat and I quickly wiped my tears away, reverting to my prescribed role.

"Sorry sir," I said with a bow, "I didn't mean to steal your friend, I just hadn't seen him in a while myself."

"He is not my friend." scoffed Kunikida, "He is my subordinate."

"Really?" I asked in wonderment, "what do you guys do?"

"I'm sure you've heard of the Armed Detective Agency?" said Dazai smugly.

My eyes widened.

"What a coincidence!" I said happily, "I was just going to head over there and see if I could get a job!"

"Well..." said Dazai, thinking deeply, "I'm sure we have some room for you as a secretary or something..."

I let out a cold laugh.

"What do you mean, Osa-san? You know as well as I do that I have an ability."

"It worked...." he muttered under his breath, eyes widening with shock.

I gave a short nod before turning back to Kunikida.

"So," I asked, "do you know where I can sign up for an interview or something?"

Kunikida sighed.

"I guess we can take you to the boss but, we would have to use our lunch break..." he muttered, consulting a book.

"yeah!" I cried, jumping a bit, "thank you, Mr....?"

"Kunikida Doppo, my ability is called doppo poet." he said, looking up and putting his book away.

"L/n F/n but, everyone calls me Y/n. My ability is Friends."

Dazai looked very confused but, I decided it was best to just tell him everything at once instead of explaining bit by bit.

"Well Y/n-chan, follow me." said Kunikida.

"Okay, let me just grab my stuff." I said, grabbing my backpack from the seat I had occupied earlier and followed Dazai and Kunikida out of the tea house.

status: edited October 26th, 2023

editing author: lowkey,, this chapter hurts to read. Not gonna change it though. I am a nostalgic little bitch at heart.

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