Chapter Twenty

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I walked into the cafe, hoping for a quiet lunch and instead finding half the agency piled inside. I let out a sigh before taking a seat next to Osa-san.

"My name is Tanizaki Junichiro." said Juni, just as I walked in.

"Oh no." I mumbled under my breath to Osa-san, "We're doing the job thing, right?"

"Yeah." he responded.

"Should we tell them we had the same job?"


"But they don't know what it was, right?"



I tuned back into my surroundings just in time to hear the end of Kida's pep talk about not 'smearing the agency's name'.

To my surprise, instead of Osa-san initiating the game, Atsushi did.

"What did you guys all do before you joined the agency?" he asked.

Everyone was a tad shocked.

"Uh... no meaning behind that question, by the way." Atsushi quickly added.

"Take a guess." said Osa-san, "It's a game we play often: the rookie trying to guess their seniors past's. It's a part of training as private investigators."

"Y/n-chan did it the fastest I've ever seen!" exclaimed Juni and I turned around to face him, "It was amazing."

"You're too kind." I said flatly.

"Tanizaki-san and Naomi-san were...." began Atsushi rather slowly, "students?"

"Bingo!" said Juni happily, "I'm impressed."

"how'd you know?" asked Naomi.

"Naomi, you're in your uniform and you and Juni-san are close enough in age that it's not that hard to guess." I laughed.

Naomi's eyes grew wide before she and Juni began to laugh as well.

"I guess you're right." agreed Juni.

"What about Kunikida-kun?" asked Osa-san.

"Who cares about what I used to be!" cried Kida, defensively.

"Public worker?" guessed Atsushi, "an official!?"

"Close" said Osa-san.

"How?" I responded, turning to him in disbelief.

"He was a teacher." said Osa-san before turning to me, "Teachers work for the government."

A worried look crossed his face as I slapped my palm to my forehead.

"Ah yes." I said, "Sorry about that, I've had some memory issues since.... well... you know."

"A math teacher." said Osa-san, trying to diffuse the tension.

Somehow, it worked.

"I can totally see that." admitted Atsushi.

"It's all in the past." Said Kida, "I don't even want to think about it."

"What about us?" asked Osa-san.

"Y/n-chan was a.... student as well?" asked Atsushi.

"Guess again." I scoffed, "I haven't gone to school in over four years. I don't even know how old I am so I can't go back. My memory is a little fucked up so, there is nothing I can really do about it. I'd just fail anyway. To give you a hint, Osa-san and I had the same job. I guess you could say he was my superior."

"Really?" exclaimed Atsushi in shock.

Osa-san simply nodded.

"Well...." hummed Atsushi, "you guys were... were..."

"Don't bother brat." sigh Kida, pushing his glasses farther up his nose, "Their former profession is one of the seven wonders of the Armed Detective Agency."

"Yeah, the other six are how we're still open." I joked.

Juni, Naomi, and Osa-san all laughed while Kida glared at us and Atsushi looked very concerned.

"Anyway, I've gotta motor." I sighed, standing up and regretting my lost lunch, "Yo-san doesn't believe I'm not sick or injured and want to give me a 'check up'. See you guys back at the office."

As I walked out, I heard Juni bring up the prize and was glad I left before Atsushi started spitting out random answers in hopes of winning some cash.

status: edited October 26th, 2023

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