Chapter Forty Two

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Before we start I just wanted to say a few things. I know none of y'all probably read my a/ns but whatever. First off, I am concerned about the growing number of chapters in this book. I don't have a real reason as to why, its just kinda freaking me out so from now on I am going to be writing much longer chapters. I am also going to be attempting a publishing schedule of a chapter every other week (editing author: haha jokes on me this never happened). Secondly, I wanted to thank you guys so much for all the love you give this story. You're comments are my favorites, they can be so funny. Also, since it is pretty obvious this is mainly an Akutagawa x reader book, I have already published and begun a Dazai x reader book (death becomes us) and have a Chuuya x reader one in the works (i think it will be called raise the dead or bring out your dead or something but i'm honestly not sure yet) (editing author: its called begin again) and I will of course, let y'all know when that comes out. Finally, I am very excited about this chapter. Part of it is inspired by the song Do it For Her from steven universe, I wont lie. Anyways, on with the show!

Akutagawa POV

I woke with a start, barely taking in my unfamiliar surroundings.
"Where is she?" I coughed, sitting up as much as i could and turning to Higuchi who had tears in her eyes, "Where is y/n?"
Higuchi seemed a bit taken aback by my question and before she could answer, Gin walked into the room.
"The agency has her. Mori has not let a single person go after her. I am glad you're okay." she whispered into my ear before straightening back up and walking back out the way she came.

Higuchi sent me a confused look as I struggled to stand, collapsing a bit before catching myself with Rashoumon and finding my balance.

"Akutagawa-senpai!" exclaimed Higuchi, grabbing onto my shoulders in an attempt to steady me, "What are you doing?"

Roughly, I shook her hands off me and started out the door.

"I'm going to retrieve someone that belongs with me." I mumbled as I left the room.

Atsushi POV

"She looks so small, almost fragile." I commented as Yosano scribbled something onto a piece of paper "Its weird to see her in all this white."

The two of us were in her office with the still unconscious Y/n. She was laying in a hospital bed in a pure white nightgown. Yosano had had to get rid of her normal long black circle skirt and cropped navy polo she tended to wear over a sheer white lace turtle neck (i'm gonna attach a pic somewhere of what i imagine her daily look is).

"She certainly doesn't look like a killer." nodded Yosano, barely looking up from her work, "But she is one, and we cant forget that."

"Why wouldn't her wounds heal themselves?" I asked, at last turning away from Y/n's sleeping form, "I thought she had healing powers, she said she couldn't die. Why did you have to heal her?"

Yosano sighed deeply and put her pen behind her ear before turning to face me.

"To be honest, I don't know why but I do have a theory." she hummed.

"What is it?" I asked, leaning forward a bit in anticipation.

"I think it has something to do with the fact that it was Akutugawa that hurt her."


Yosano rolled her eyes.

"If you aren't gonna open your eyes and see for yourself, I am not gonna help you."

I titled my head to the side in confusion.

"Look," she sighed, taking the pen out from behind her ear and returning her attention to her papers, "I'm almost done in here for right now. Why don't you go check on how Kyouka-chan is doing and I'll be out to join you in a second."

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