Final A/N

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Thank you all so much for everything over the years. Your comments always make me laugh and it was honestly such a fulfilling experience to create something that so many people love. Alas, this is over. Hope you didn't hate the end too much.

I spent my teenager-hood writing this and even though I'm already no longer a teenager, ending this fic feels kind of like closing a door. Sorry for being so long winded and emotional on this little, final authors note. Thank you for reading.

- author

P.s. I do have other bsd fics and will continue to write, it is just this particular story that has reached its end at long last.

Project X (BSD x Reader than narrows into Akutagawa x Reader) --> Completed

Begin Again (Chuuya x Reader) --> Discontinued (may rewrite)

Death Becomes Us (Dazai x Reader) --> ongoing

To See You Again (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya) --> Ongoing

The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We (Chuuya x Reader) --> Completed

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x Reader) --> Completed

Shark (Dazai x Reader) --> ongoing

Star Crossed (Chuuya X reader) --> ongoing

Leo, leonis (Akutagawa x Reader) --> ongoing

The Past Hunts (Fyodor x Reader) --> ongoing

Like the Water Loves the Air (Chuuya x Reader) --> Ongoing

Project X (Bungou Stray Dogs X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now