Chapter Fifty Seven

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Sorry about pulling in characters from other shows i just was too lazy to make up a whole other group of individuals with whom you associate. I know some people will be upset with what I have decided to do, but this was always pretty much how this story was going to end (proof for both these statements being the fact that I originally posted this chapter several years ago and then took it down because so many people were unhappy with it.). It's my story at the end of the day, and this is the path I want it to take. I hope you guys understand (and maybe actually like it). There are still a few more chapters to come, but we are nearing the end of our story. Also, I know there are some inaccuracies about the fourth and fifth seasons, I literally don't care.

3rd POV


The first to step outside the grimy train station was a girl in a knee length, pastel pink coat. The coat was zipped and hugged her figure nicely. Just below the hem of the coat, the hem of a black skirt was visible along with black braces that ran up the entirety of both her legs. In her right hand, she held a black cane with an ornate gold/silver handle, signifying that her left leg was worse than her right. 

Soon after her, two men exited. They were both tall and relatively well built, dressed in slacks and collard shirts that looked out of place in when compared to their surroundings. The real defining difference between the two of them was that one had black hair while the other had dyed theirs silver.

"Listen," began the girl, visibly tense as she stood with her back to the men and both hands on the handle of her cane, "I know you both have lived in big cities before and that because of that you think you understand all cities. Believe me when I tell you, you do not understand Yokohama. I doubt I need to inform you of this, but we boast the largest gifted population in all of Japan as well as several notorious organizations. It'll be best if you just stick with me, okay?"

"Oh what, like a scrawny thing like you is gonna protect us?" teased the black haired man, taking a step forward and placing a hand on the girl's head.

She turned her stony face up to his.

"Yes." was all she said in response before turning to the silver haired male who now stood to her other side, "You were so insistent on wanting to meet my family? Well now it's finally happening and the two of you are going to listen to me or you might end up dead."

"Alright then." laughed the black haired man, removing his hand and shoving it back into his pocket, "Lead the way."

The girl nodded and the trio began to make their way down the road. They had barely reached the end of the block when a redhead detached himself from a nearby group of hoodlums.

"Hey, Shadow King!" he called, causing the group to halt and turn to face him as he sauntered over, "Is that really you?"

"Fuck off Tachihara." groaned Y/n.

Tachihara stopped just a few inches from Y/n who stood slightly in front of the two men accompanying her.

"It really is!" he laughed ruefully, "What makes you think you can come back? You don't own this city anymore."

Y/n simply sighed, not bothering to check in on her two companions.

"I never owned this damned city, you should know that just as well as everyone else, Tachihara-san." she said in a cold yet polite voice.

"Whats all this then?" questioned Tachihara as he gestured to her braces and cane.

Y/n didn't even look down.

"Happens to the best of us, wouldn't you agree?"

Tachihara grunted in annoyance at not having received his desired reaction.

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