Chapter Eleven

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After much negotiating, most of which involved Ryu yelling at Mori for splitting us up, Ryu and I left for home.

The plan was for me to go to a tea house a member of the agency, Kunikida Doppo, frequently visited and wait so I could 'accidentally' bump into him. But that was all for tomorrow.

As we walked in through our familiar apartment door, a voice cried out:

"Surprise!" and Gin, Ryu-kun's younger sister jumped out from behind a couch.

"Gin-chan!" I squealed happily as I ran up to hug her, "I thought you were on a mission?"

"It finished early." she said cheerily, "so, what's for dinner?"

After a pleasant meal of spaghetti, we all settled in for bed. Gin was in her room and Ryu and I in ours. Ryu and I didn't share a room because we didn't have the space, we had the space it was just that I had nightmares. You don't go through what I've gone through and not have nightmares after. Ryu was the only one who could calm me down and it was just easier for everyone involved if we shared a room. That way he didn't have to come running down the dark hallway to get to me if I needed help.

"G'night Ryu-kun." I said sleepily as I snuggled down into my warm bed.

"night." he muttered back in the dark.

3rd POV

Y/n's soft breathing soon filled the room and Akutagawa watched her from his own bed.

He didn't like the idea of Y/n being somewhere he couldn't protect her. He had become very close with the pretty girl on the other side of the room and was not happy she would be running right to Dazai.

It was imperative to Mori's plan that Y/n not know Dazai was alive. The head of the Port Mafia had predicted that one day Y/n and Dazai's relationship would act as a doorway into the Armed detective agency should they ever need one. However for this to work, it was necessary the young girl not know her former friend was alive so, everyone in the mafia had been forced for the past four years to go along with the story he was dead. Dazai would see right through anything fake so they needed real surprise, and it was no secret that Y/n had become very attached to Dazai in the short time she had known him.

Well, that dreaded day had finally come and Mori was sending Y/n right into Dazai's deadly arms. Akutagawa had always assumed he would be ready for it when the day did come, but now it was here and he found himself to be woefully unprepared. With a sigh, he rolled over to face the wall.

Suddenly, whimpers filled the room. Akutagawa shot out of bed and rushed to the girl who was writhing with the memory of pain. He lay down next to her, wrapping his slender arms around her waist and pulling the girl to him. Her breathing began to even out and she rolled over, burying her head into Akutagawa's chest. She let out a final whimper before her nightmare seemed to vanish completely. He smiled fondly at the girl in his arms. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, before lying down beside her.

Soon the room was filled with the sounds of not one but two people in deep sleep.

status: edited October 26th 2023

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