Chapter Thirty Nine

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Atsushi POV

I was exhausted from Kyoka dragging me around all day. I couldn't deny the fact that it had been nice. I think most of me knew i had decided not to bring her to the police. After all, she was just a kid. It really wasn't her fault, she wasn't even the one controlling her own power when she killed those thirty five people.

"There's just one more place i want to go." Kyoka announced solemnly.

"Okay okay" I muttered in return with a slight smile on my face.

She always seemed to take things so seriously for someone her age. Maybe I could help her get the true childhood she deserves...


I looked up to be met with the menacing Yamanote Police Department's Minatonomieruoka Park Police Station.

I gasped in shock and turned my eyes onto Kyoka's small figure. She stood at the crosswalk, just a little ways ahead of me. Her eyes were fixed on the police station.

"I've had more than enough fun." she announced, "And it should've just ended with the boiled tofu."

"But if you get caught, you'll..." I couldn't bing myself to say it.

I couldn't even bring myself to think about the horrors she would have to face if she stepped through the police precinct doors.

"I'll be sentenced to death." she finished my sentence for me, "I've killed thirty five people. That I'm still alive is already a sin. Besides, even if I return to the Port Mafia, I'll be executed."

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain as something burst through my back and out my chest.

"Executed?" came a familiar and sinister voice from behind me. (editing author: i always fucking describe voices as being familiar. why.)

Kyoka turned to face me with fear prevalent in her eyes as Akutagawa used his Rashoumon to lift me off the ground.

"Kyoka, I would never let anything like that happen to you. The mafia would not execute you!" cried another familiar voice from behind me and Y/n-chan ran over to Kyoka, hugging her closed, "I would never let them hurt you." she mumbled into Kyoka's hair before releasing her and turning to face me.

"you have fulfilled your mission after all." Akutagawa added.

At that moment three cars skidded to a stop, blocking off the intersection. A few police officers tried to come out to investigate but quickly withdrew under the rain of bullets the cars inhabitants unleashed.

Kyoka dropped her plush rabbit and took a few steps towards me.

"'I got the plushie I wanted.'" mocked Akutagawa as Y/n grabbed the toy off the ground.

Kyoka fell to her knees and Y/n landed right beside her, a comforting hand on her back.

"A transmitter is implanted in your body." explained Akutagawa, "Your whereabouts and every action is known to us."

The young girls face grew even more horrified and she looked up at me, struggling to remain conscious as Rashoumon held me in the air.

I wanted nothing more than to tell her that is wasn't her fault and that I wasn't mad at her. I wanted her to know it was gonna be okay but I couldn't.

A few drops of my blood landed on her face and Y/n quickly wiped them off with the sleeve of her shirt.

An armored truck pulled to a stop behind her and I was throw inside.

The last thing I remember seeing before loosing consciousness was Kyoka burying her face into Y/n shirt as the older girl tried to comfort her.

"Come on. We're going home." called Akutagawa as the doors of the truck closed.

Then everything went black

status: edited october 26th 2023

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