Chapter Four

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When I opened my eyes once more, I found that I was once again strapped down. The only sign that Dazai had ever been there was the fact that I no longer had a feeding tube sticking painfully down my throat.

I let out a sigh and shivered in the chilly air of my room. I could not remember if it had been this cold before but, I could remember that I had no blanket and was only wearing a thin hospital gown.

The temperature of the room seemed to be getting colder by the second, but I passed it off as me just being half asleep. Before long, I could see my breath in the air before me confirming that the room was in fact getting colder and colder. 

I attempted to wiggle my toes, trying to get my blood flowing. Trying to keep warm. I began to lose feeling in my limbs, my heart beating fast as tears froze on their way down my cheeks. At last I closed my eyes, not because I wanted to but because I couldn't keep them open any longer. Just as I did, the room suddenly began to get warmer.

I however, did not thaw out as hoped. I just lay there, panting and numb and wondering why this was happening to me. There was a click and the sound of footsteps before the still unfamiliar face of Dazai came into view.

"You're as cold as ice!" he exclaimed, placing a hand momentarily on my cheek.

I tried to say something sarcastic in response but, only had enough energy to breath. Dazai disappeared from view and I heard the sound of him undoing the leather restraints although, I was so numb I could feel no difference. 

Something landed on me. Something that was thick and fluffy and smelled slightly of coffee. I sharply exhaled as the feeling slowly began to creep back into the very tips of my fingers and toes. Once I was able to, I sat up, using the wall behind me to support my back.

"Good morning!" he said in the same tone as the day before, "how did you sleep?"

I simply glared at him, clutching the blanket tight around me. Akutagawa was standing at the door again, looking more like a guard than a subordinate.

"you're not too chatty, are you." he said, "We brought food."

A tray came into view covered in an array of food I would normally love but, today it just seemed unappetizing. I turned my head to the side.

"You don't want any?" he said, confused, "your file said you liked all this."

I ignored him.

"Maybe you're just not hungry."

And so my stay with the port mafia went on. I was tortured. Every day it was different. Then Dazai would come. He would bring food which, I would then refuse. He would talk my ear off, some how managing to tell me nothing in the process, and I would ignore him. He would strap me down to the bed and quickly force feed me before leaving along with his shadow, Akutagawa. Then I would stare at the ceiling unless, Dazai had to knock me out to strap me down, and wait for the next cycle to begin.

One day, after a particularly harsh torture involving the removal of my right pinky and several toes, something changed. Dazai walked in and unbuckled me as usual but, as soon as he saw the bloody bandages around my feet and hand, something was different. His expression turned as cold and hard as ice.

He looked me dead in the eyes.

"I will get you out of here." he said softly.

He proceeded to sit down, as usual, and tell be about his day. Apparently his partner was being annoying. One of his friends was missing. Of course, he asked me questions as well but, as usual, I ignored them. What I did do, was slowly lean over and, wincing as I accidentally bumped my wound against the tray and pick up the tray of food next to Dazai.

He never stopped talking as I slowly picked up the knife and fork and began to eat.

I was starving with only one meal a day ever since Dazai had first showed up and ate every bit. The pair drew no attention to it, as if they were afraid I would stop should they say something.

status: edited October 24th, 2023

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