Chapter Thirty Seven

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Akutagawa POV

Mori-san had called me to his office for a private meeting, something that didn't happen very often. Whenever the boss wanted to talk, it was always to both Y/n and I, almost never to one of us on our own.

She was suspicious to say the least, her eyes following my across the room as I excused myself. I didn't want to tell her the truth in case it was something confidential so I mentioned something about grabbing lunch with Chuuya-san as I passed her. I should've just stayed quiet.

Sighing loudly, I shoved my hands into my pockets.

At least it wasn't a total lie. I thought to myself, trying to justify my actions Chuuya-san will be there.

At last I reached the boss's office and knocked twice on the door.

"Come in." came his all too irritating voice and I opened the door to see the Chuuya was already in the room.

They sat at the far end of the long table that inhabited his office and was most often used for meetings amongst the officials of the Port Mafia. Mori-san sat at the head with Chuuya-san on his right and Elise-chan on the floor beside him, intently coloring in a picture as Mori stroked her hair.

"Whats this about?" I asked, taking the seat opposite of Chuuya.

"Well, we need to have a little chat with Dazai-san." answered Mori-san, folding his hands beneath his chin as he leaned forward.

"What for? Y/n-chan just spoke to him the other day." said Chuuya, putting his arms behind his head and leaning back in his chair, "There was nothing out of the ordinary. He's still just playing at being a detective with those Agency idiots."

"You mean something more than that, don't you? Thats why Y/n-chan herself isn't here." I butted in.

Chuuya's eyes widened slightly as Mori nodded once.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" he exclaimed, sitting back up and slamming his hands on the table in front of him.

"Well, that's for you two to figure out.  Any ideas?"

There was a moment of silence that I broke as a certain person popped into my mind. I knew how upset Y/n-chan would be if we sent her out into the field but at the end of the day, I still had a job to do.

"Kyoka." I reluctantly said.

"That idiot can nullify anyones ability, remember stupid?" asked Chuuya, completely unamused, "Thats a worthless plan, what made you think of that?"

"He wont see her coming." I shrugged.

"Akutagawa," said Mori stonily, "that might just work."

"Additionally, she has a tracking device implanted in her." I continued, struck by sudden inspiration, "Maybe we could use her to help us track down the were-tiger."

~time skip~

I was slowly walking  down the empty hallway back to my office, hands shoved deep in the pockets of my coat and head racing.

Suddenly, I stopped walking and threw my head back groaning allowed.

"She's gonna be so mad at me!" I mumbled, Y/n hated it when we sent Kyoka into the field but, sometimes you just had to do what needed to be done for the organization, no matter how awful it seemed.







Hi!! sorry for the shitty filler chapter I just needed to get this out of the way so I can get to the real stuff. I've spent the past few days rewatching the show when and where I can and have so many ideas about the direction I wanna take this story in. Im honestly so excited. This chapter was here partially as filler designed to develop Akutagawas character a bit more and show that Y/n is unaware of all the plans involving Kyoka as well as to satiate y'all while i take the time to write new chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this tiny filler chapter and I'm so excited to write more!!

status: edited october 26 2023

editing author: i kinda need to delete that chapter where the akutagawa sibs and you come up with kyoka together but im lazy and i like that chapter so too bad

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