Chapter Fifty Five

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Atsushi POV

"Y/n!" Akutagawa cried out as Y/n fell to the floor.

"Don't underestimate small wounds." Pushkin jeered as he sped off, "Seeing powerful gifteds suffer is great entertainment for weak men like me."

"What's wrong!" I exclaimed, rushing over to where they were both crouched.

Y/n looked up at me, her face concentrated with pain. Suddenly, a red disk appeared in the air above her.

"It's..." Akutagawa began.

"The virus ability, he used it on you." I finished.

"The symptoms are beginning." She grimaced, pulling herself to her feet, "We need to find him fast."


Our cart was coming up fast behind Pushkin's as I got a phone call from Dazai.

"Finally, a connection." Dazai's voice came through the phone as I answered, "I trust that you're chasing down the gifted controlling the virus? It infects the victim through open wounds. The fever and nausea make it difficult to even just stand."

"Yeah, we figured that much out." Y/n called over my shoulder and Dazai's eyes grew wide with concern.

"You cannot so much as let yourselves be grazed." Dazai continued, "Did something happen?"

I exchanged a look with Y/n and she shook her head.

"No." I said to Dazai.

"I'll take care of Fyodor. Don't let that gifted out of your sight."

As the call ended, Akutagawa used his Rashoumon to try and stop the car in front of us but missed. His eyes were wild and he was unequivocally refusing to look at Y/n in the back of the cart.

"Damn, I can't reach." he hissed in annoyance.

Pushkin suddenly pulled a remote from his pocket and, at the press of a button, set off a bomb beneath our cart. We held on for dear life as it was thrown from the track. As we hit the ground, I quickly grabbed Y/n, throwing her up ahead as Akutagawa and I used our abilities to continue the chase. She caught herself with her shadows. From the way she was still using her ability, you would never guess that she'd been cursed.

"Were-tiger!" she called out and I half transformed, understanding what she wanted to have happen.

Akutagawa wrapped Y/n in Rashoumon, carrying her along, and in no time at all we had reached Pushkin's cart. He started shooting wildly at us and Y/n used her shadows to keep the destruction to the mine being caused by his actions from hurting us.

Just as we were about to get him, something caught all three of us from the air, knocking us to the ground.

"Whats that?" I asked once we had landed, catching sight of the giant, earthen fist before us.

"Later!" Pushkin called as he disappeared from view.

"He's getting away!" I exclaimed.

"We have bigger issues, I should think." Y/n said calmly and I turned back to the fist to see that it was beginning to open.

"I'm so blessed." came a voice from the depths of the rock creature now pulling itself from the earth.

Once it was on its feet, a dome at the top opened like fingers.

"My master, Fyodor-sama, has tasked me with something more important than guarding him." the man inside stated joyfully.

Akutagawa and Y/n got to their feet and I followed suit.

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