Chapter Twenty Two

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Before we left, Kida had warned Atsushi about running into Ryu. The picture he had shown was one that had originally been of the both of us and I shared a knowing look with Kida before mouthing a single 'thank you' from behind Atsushi's back. (editing author: this doesn't really make sense with his character but i'm keeping it.)

It was upsetting. Ryu was a little... crazy that was true but he was also sweet and kind and caring. Here, he was only seen as a monster.

"Who is he?" asked Atsushi as we walked across a street.

"A mafioso." I responded, "we only call them that because we don't know much about them. He and his partner have been in the news a lot. I wonder why we're not being warned about her."

"Come to think of it," mused Juni, "she hasn't been in the news at all lately. What was her name again?"

"I don't remember, do you Naomi-san?" I said.

Naomi shook her head no. It was an amusing little game for me to play, knowing I was right before their eyes.

"Kunikida-san told me a bit about the mafia. They control the port, right?" asked Atsushi.

I nodded.

"The name is 'port mafia' after all." I teased, "they have gifted members as well."

"How do you know so much about them, Y/n-chan?" asked Naomi.

"Let's just say I've had a few run ins with them in the past." I said darkly, "I can't say if I've met Akutagawa but, I have met some pretty terrifying people." (editing author: haha get it? she can't say? because then she'd give herself away?? haha. Im funny.)

"Were you a police officer?" asked Atsushi.

"Not even in the slightest." I laughed.

I tuned out of the others conversation the rest of the way there. As far as I could tell it was the usual chatter of nervous associates. Nothing really made me nervous anymore when it came to missions. Very few things made me scared. The only person who knew everything about me, including my fears, was in fact Ryu. The person everyone was so scared of running into.

"We're here." announced Higuchi and we all turned to look into a poorly lit alley, "this way!"

We followed her in. It was obviously a trap but, I didn't say anything.

"This is creepy." said Juni, "That's strange. Is this really the right place, um..."

"The name is Higuchi." said Higuchi.

"Higuchi-san, smugglers are a cowardly bunch. They'll always have an escape route. This is a dead end. If anyone came after them, they'd have nowhere to run."

"That's right." said Higuchi, dropping her bag, unbuttoning a few buttons of her shirt and pulling her hair up into a ponytail, "I apologize. I led you into a trap."

She put on her classic sunglasses and looked up.

"My real target was, you." she stated before picking up her phone, "Akutagawa-senpai, I have them as planned."

status: edited October 26th 2023

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