Chapter Forty One

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Hey all!! please go and check out my new Dazai x reader book!! It is called Death Becomes Us and I am very excited about it.

I am also very excited about his chapter.

Anyways, on with the story.

Editing author: tbh death becomes us is not the best. I think my newest (complete) story The Land Is Inhospitable and so Are We (Dazai x reader x Chuuya) is much better and even my (incomplete) story begin again (Chuuya x reader) is better than that. Also I'm currently working on a new Dazai x reader x Chuuya story that might be getting brought to light soon...


Atsushi POV

I awoke to find myself laying in a pool of my own blood in an empty storage crate. It took a moment for me to realize that what had woken me up was Kyouka opening the door.

"What?" I exclaimed, slowly pulling myself to my feet, "Did you... come to rescue me?"

Suddenly, a tendril of what was unmistakably Akutagawa's rashoumon wrapped around my ankle, pulling me harshly out of the crate and into the sky before slamming me hard against a metal pillar.

I slid to the floor as he released me, whimpering in pain. Before I could even stand, Akutagawa himself was in front of me and pinning me to the wall with his foot.

"I struck to kill." he commented, his hands in his pockets, "But it seems that the tiger's healing power is in effect, even when you are not transformed."

Where am I

I wondered, allowing my eyes to wander away from the mafia member's imposing figure.

Am I at sea?

"You're on a smuggling ship that carries weapons and munitions." announced Akutagawa as if he could hear my thoughts, "Its been reserved solely for you today."

He begin to push his heel harder into a bullet hole I had on my left shoulder and I grabbed his boot, trying to relieve some of the pressure.

"Enjoy your last voyage for the next few hours before we hand you over."

Theres no point. I can't win against him.

I thought to myself as I struggled with his foot.

I'll have to find an opening and make a run for it.

"The weak will die."


I was quickly able to track down the ship Chuuya had told me both Ryu and Atsushi were on and made my way there was fast as I could, using my shadows to support my feet and allowing me to run across the water. Thankfully, the ship wasn't very far from the port and I was able to make it on fairly quickly. What I found when I got there, shocked me to my core.

Akutagawa stood, his hand wrapped around Kyouka's neck, holding her about a foot from the ground. Atsushi was behind them, bloody and leaning against a pole on the ships deck. I was too far away to hear if they were saying anything to each other but it was clear that Ryu was saying something to the both of them.

"Akutagawa Ryunosuke!" I called out, walking determinedly towards the trio and drawing all their eyes to me, "What the ever-loving fuck do you think you're doing!? Unhand her this instant!"

Ryu's cheeks flushed a bit in embarrassment as I reached them but Kyouka focused her eyes back on Atsushi.

"You may be right..." she began, her voice difficult to make out due to Ryu's grasp on her neck, "but those crepes were delicious!"

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