Chapter Fifty

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Its so wild to me that this fic has made it to fifty chapters after like seven years of writing it. I hope you guys are still enjoying.

Third POV

"Akutagawa." Akutagawa announced, interrupting Fitzgerald's troubles in saying his name.

"That's the one." he responded, snapping his fingers.

"I see now." Y/n mused as she made her way over to Akutagawa's side, picking her way through the rubble of the wall, "Mori must have known the only way he'd get you on this ship was if it was to rescue me. They're forcing a team up."

"Is it really such a good idea to go revealing the plan to the enemy like that?" Akutagawa asked, coughing lightly into his hand.

Y/n looked at Fitzgerald for a moment before turning back to Akutagawa with a shrug.

"We will be fine either way. I already grabbed the device."

A tendril of shadow appeared from behind her holding the phone and Fitzgerald's eyes widened with shock. She shot him a lazy look as he frantically patted his pockets.

"I warned you women were wiley."

A few moments later, he simply laughed, pulling the real device from his pocket. The version Y/n had created with her shadows disintegrated into the air.

"A foolish trick." he taunted, "I would have thought better of the Port Mafia's pet project."

Y/n bristled visibly at the name.

"You still did what I wanted you to do." 

"And what's that, Shadow King."

"I know where to check when I'm searching your corpse later."

Y/n smirked and Atushi launched himself at Fitzgerald. Quickly, the taller man caught him in the stomach once again, throwing him into the wall. Atsushi slumped to the floor, struggling to get up. He met Akutagawa's menacing gaze, his eyes full of defeat.

"You said earlier that you couldn't understand me." Akutagawa began as he walked to the were-tiger's side, "To me, you're the one who is completely incomprehensible."

He kicked him harshly in the stomach.

"Ryu." Y/n whined, disapproval evident in her tone, but he didn't change his focus from Atsushi.

"Those fearful eyes have no faith in your own strength or gift," he continued, "yet you always involve yourself in futile battles. Where do you get that incoherent self-respect?"

He kicked him again.

"That's enough, little guy." Francis cut in, "I don't like being ignored."

Rashoumon shot from Akutagawa's back without him even looking, piercing the hand Francis had put up to block the attack.

"Shut up. Now I know Y/n-chan is safe, my main course is the were-tiger. I'd like my dessert to sit quietly."

"I actually think it's my turn to take the brunt of the battle." Y/n cut in, stepping up to where the three men were gathered, "I'd rather like it if you stood down."

She did not look at Akutagawa as she spoke, instead keeping her eyes glued to Francis who scoffed.

"A little girl, attacking me."

Rashoumon retreated into Akutagawa's coat as he complied with Y/n's request. She approached Fitzgerald confidently.

"Careful, Bug." Akutagawa said as she passed him, humming softly in response.

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