Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Here are those files you asked for." I hummed, placing a stack of papers on Chuuya's desk.

"Thank you." he muttered, not even looking up from the other file he was reading, "You can go now."

I frowned slightly, annoyed he wasn't paying more attention to me but I knew that no matter how much I wanted to bother him, this was not one of the times I could.

"Okay." I nodded before turning and moving to leave the room.

"Wait, Y/n-chan." he called just as I reached the door.

I stopped walking and turned to face him.

"Yeah? Whats up?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Tell that partner of yours Kyoka has been captured by the Agency."

my heart dropped.



I ran as fast as I could back to Ryu and my office, bursting through the doors with a bang. Ryu barely looked up from his computer.

"Whats the matter bug?" he asked.

"Kyoka has been captured by the Agency." I said, trying to catch my breath before walking over to Ryu and slamming my fists down on his desk.

He closed his computer and looked up at me.

"Ryu, she's been captured." my eyes began to fill with tears and as much as I tried to keep them from falling, a few began to slowly roll down my cheeks. "Ryu, how did she get captured by the Agency? did you send her to go and get Dazai? Did she get taken because of a plan I half thought out that you then decided to implement?"

Ryu said nothing and the tears began to fall faster.

"Is this all my fault?" I asked, horrified.

My hands flew to my head and I balled my fists into my hair as I slowly backed away in horror.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault. I did this to her. Ryu," I looked back over at him, "They're gonna kill her. The mafia has made her kill so many people. They're gonna kill her."

Still, he said nothing. Ryu sat silently at his desk, his hands folded over his closed computer.

I sunk to the floor, burying my head in my hands.

"They're gonna kill her and it's all my fault. She was fourteen, fourteen Ryu! And she's gonna die. She likes rabbits and tofu. She hates dogs and lightning. She is a real and full fourteen year old girl who is going to die because of me."

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath before looking up at Ryu one last time.

"Ryu, you have to let me save her. Please." I begged.

We stayed like that for a moment. Me, crumpled on the floor and Ryu sitting calmly at his desk. At last, with a sigh, he got up and kneeled down next to me, pulling my head into his chest and stroking my hair in a comforting manner.

"I'm sorry Y/n-chan." he mumbled into my hair.

I pushed away from him a bit and looked him in the eyes.

"Why?" I asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

"I'm the one that sent Kyoka to the agency. I set up a plot that would allow her to be captured by the tiger so we could track his location easier."

"Wh..what do you mean?" i stuttered, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"I mean..." he said, pulling the both of us to our feet, "we are going to go rescue her. I'm sorry I put her in danger but it's all part of the plan. The plan was that she get captured by the tiger. We knew he'd pity her too much to be able to turn her in. She has a tracking chip embedded in her wrist. If the boy stood up for her, shed be his responsibility. Therefore the chip in Kyoka would tell us both her and his locations allowing us to rescue her and capture him. We're leaving in about a half hour. would you like to come?"

I was too relieved to be angry at him for using her, too relieved she was coming home and too relieved that her blood wouldn't be on my hands.


status: edited october 26th 2023

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