Chapter Seventeen

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Dazai, Atsushi, and I walked home in silence. All the others went out to have drinks but, Atsushi was tired and Dazai had to show him where he was now living. I figured I might as well tag along.

Dazai didn't seem to be mad about my outburst which surprised me. He had always seemed like the one to get mad about something like that to me. Then again, I didn't really know him all too well.

"We're going to drop Y/n-chan off and then I'll take you to your apartment." said Dazai as we neared the building.

"Osa-san, you do realize that I will eventually need keys, unless you want me to move out." I said slyly, "I mean, there are other places I could go, right Sushi-san?"

Atsushi looked over, shocked, while Dazai blushed ever so slightly.

"What do you mean, also, 'sushi-san'?" said Atsushi confusedly.

"She likes giving nicknames." said Dazai, recovering from his daze, "Also, she has been staying in my spare room since she joined the Agency."

"When did you join?" asked Atsushi, intrigued.

"Yesterday." I smirked.

"B-but.. how?" stuttered Atsushi, "I mean, you act as if you've known Dazai-san, Kunikida-san, and the others forever."

"Well," I said as we stopped in front of the door Dazai and I called a home, "I have known someone for about four years, other than that, people just tend to be attracted to me. I think it might be a part of my little gift."

Dazai raised his eyebrows skeptically before letting me in.

"I'll be back in a bit," he said, "I'm just going to go and get Atsushi-kun settled."

"Okay." I said casually, shutting the door.

Atsushi POV

I timidly followed Dazai to another door that looked exactly like the one we had just left save its location.

He unlocked the door and allowed me to step past him into the space.

It was a little crummy, the floor was uneven. There were water stains but, it was still the nicest place I had slept in, possibly, in years.

After showing me around the small space, Dazai leaned against the dresser. He and Y/n-chan both had a sort of casual grace to them. Occasionally, they would do something little, like look over their shoulder, at the exact same time!

"Don't worry about her." said Dazai evenly.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I can tell you are thinking about Y/n-chan." Dazai sighed, turning to look out the window, "Don't worry about it. She didn't mean to scare you or hurt you. She's had it rough these past few years."

"I've had it rough my whole life!" I cried, bringing Dazai's gaze back to me.

"I can say with fair certainty that, Y/n-chan has suffered more in the past four years than you have in your entire life but, I'm not at liberty to discuss her life's story." he responded casually.

We sat in silence, images of a girl, the same girl, flickering in and out of our minds eyes.

"I just don't get it." I said after a while.

"don't get what?"

"The Greeks said outer beauty displays inner goodness but how someone so beautiful could be so..."

"Like herself?"

I sent him a questioning look.

"She is good, she is just scared I think. She has been closed off since I first met her." said Dazai wistfully, "Frankly, I didn't meet her at the best time but... she has definitely gotten worse. I am worried, I'm not quite sure what happened between now and the last time I saw her. I'd be surprised if it was good. I'm just happy she is here now."

The quiet continued for a few more moments until Dazai stood up.

"Well, I should get going." he said and, with those few words, I was alone.

Dazai POV

I quietly stepped into Y/N-chan's room to find her sleeping soundly, her body tightly wrapped around the stuffed animal.

I briefly wondered who had given it to her before, shaking sleep from my own eyes, I walked out of her room.

"I'm sorry I broke my promise." I whispered as I shut the door.

Hey!! author here. I was just wondering if y'all wanted to learn anything about me?? I see a lot of people posting those about the author who chapters and wanted to know if y'all wanted one. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!!

status: edited October 26th 2023

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