Chapter Sixty

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Literally insane that we're at sixty chapters now.

Suga POV

After about ten minutes, the pair exited the cafe and made their way over to us. Y/n was walking ahead of the man and reached us before he did. 

"Why are you covered in blood!?" I asked in alarm as she reached us, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I got stabbed." she groaned, placing both hands on the hilt of her knife which was now stuck somewhat firmly between her ribs. 

"What! Why!?" I exclaimed as she slowly pulled the knife from her chest. 

"I don't know. You should ask the person that stabbed me." she said pointedly, eyeing the man in black who now stood about half a foot behind her. 

The man did nothing but cough lightly into his hand. Y/n turned her attention back to the dagger she had just pulled from her chest. 

"You know, when I said I wanted my knife back, I didn't mean like this."

"Things change." the man responded in a cold and clear voice, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black coat. 

"Look at it! It's covered in... in blood and fucking... stuff!" exclaimed Y/n, before cleaning it off in the tulle in her skirt, "Gross. You know, I even tried to go to your funeral a few years back, and this is the way you repay me?"

"Really?" the man seemed unamused.

"They wouldn't let me into the city, what with everything going on. I was relieved when I found out you weren't actually dead."

The strange man hummed softly under his breath before turning his gaze on Daichi and I.

"Which one?" asked the man, stepping forward so he now stood beside Y/n, still facing us. 

"Hm? Oh. The one with gray hair. The other is a friend."

The man's eyes landed on me. They were cold and seemingly devoid of emotion. I was so transfixed by his strange, steely gaze that I failed to notice the black tendril that suddenly rushed towards me out of the back of his coat until Y/n moved in front of me, causing the thing to lodge itself in her thigh. 

"Come on!" she said softly, both hands on the handle of her cane, "Play nice."

The man scoffed, retracting the tendril into his coat and taking a few steps back. Y/n took a few steps forward, relying more heavily on her cane than she had been before. 

"What's all this then?" he asked, eyeing her leg braces and cane. 

"She needs them." I butted in. 

The man sent me a glare before turning his attention back to Y/n. 

"You need them? You need them?"

"Turns out that bastard gave me radiation poisoning, injected radium right into my legs. Turns out I can only heal so fast." shrugged Y/n.  

"Radiation poisoning? She always told us it was a birth defect." mumbled Daichi. 

"She clearly has a lot to explain to me." I nodded, too taken aback by everything that had happened since our arrival to even feel anger at the situation. 

"You're letting yourself be injured. You're weak." the man said to Y/n. 

More of his coat tendrils shot out, ripping the braces from her legs and snapping her cane in two. 

"Hey, I liked that cane." she grumbled once she had caught her balance, crossing her arms. 


"Chu-san, I'm being bullied! Ryu is bullying me!" Y/n suddenly whined loudly and a man with red hair and a hat in his hands stepped out of the shadows of a nearby ally. 

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