Chapter Forty Eight

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Guess whos back!!

1st POV

It had been a while since I'd been sent on a mission with Chuuya. Not since I was first training under him had the boss requested something of the sort. I was pleasantly surprised when the order came through, and a tad confused as it required me not to participate unless completely necessary. I was there as an observer alone.

"I want you to see how they work, so you'll understand." Mori had told me.

Initially, when he had told me this, I thought he meant whatever guild members we were going up against. 

It was dark, a darkness quickly broken by the guild's floodlights as Chuuya and I launched ourselves over the roof of the building. I landed neatly beside Dazai who seemed annoyed as Chuuya quickly took out a handful of the guilds men.

"Let me get this straight." he said, at last turning to face Dazai, "Once I'm done taking out the trash, you're next."

"He must really not like you." I whispered to Dazai, a smirk palpable in my tone of voice.

"I knew it." he responded dramatically, "This is why I wasn't feeling up for it today. Why did the boss send Y/n-chan too?"

I shrugged.

"I'm supposed to observe."

"So you wont be any help?"

I smiled mischievously.

"You could go and get yourself grievously injured. Then I'd have no choice but to step in."

"Sounds appealing."

Our exchange was cut short by the guild member standing in the center of the lights.

"I never heard anything about this surprise attack in the strategic forecasts." His voice was thick with anger as vines began to sprout from his hands.

"Sorry, you don't get to do that." Dazai interrupted, taking a step forward and gently tapping the boy's shoulder.

"The gift-disabling ability." he noted as his weapons quickly disintegrated.

"This seriously sucks." he groaned.

 "Thats my line!" Chuuya yelled, descending on the boy from above.

With one, well aimed kick the boy was sent flying into the nearby woods, crashing through the trees. I'd seen Chuuya fight before, but something about this time was different. The boss' strange words echoed around my head.

"Dammit. This is the worst day in years." Dazai grumbled in annoyance as Chuuya finished taking out the last of the soldiers.

"Yo Dazai, ever heard of Petrus?" Chuuya asked.

"That fantastically expensive wine?" I asked back, confused as to where the conversation was headed.

Chuuya nodded.

"The night you vanished from the organization, I opened an '89 bottle in celebration. That's how sick of you I was."

I followed the two men into the house Q was allegedly being held in, realizing this was not a conversation I was meant to be apart of.

"I remember setting a bomb under your car that night." Dazai responded, the same reminiscent hint to his voice.

"That was your doing!?"

The stairs were rickety, worn with age. 

"I can't stand you."

Chuuya had done all the work in the fight up above, the only move Dazai had made was to deactivate the boy's ability.

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