Chapter Twenty Nine

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to make up for how shitty the last chapter was and how shitty this one is, i'm posting them like a minute apart??? here is Some quality time with the Akutagawa sibs



I sat down on the couch next to Ryu, placing the bowl of fresh made popcorn on the table before us. He promptly moved it so it wasn't covering up our papers and grabbed a handful.

"The tiger claims he has left the agency, he seems to think we're going to attack them."

"But we are, aren't we?"

"Only because he brought it up."

I let out a giddy laugh.

"So, whats the plan??"

"That's what we're here to come up with dummy!" said, Gin, smacking the back of my head as she entered the room and sat down beside me.

"Oh yeah! Let's do this then!"

"Agency members and powers?" asked Gin, taking out a notebook, "Are those things we should know?"

"No need, I've already got them all memorized from my last mission. And I know the layout of the office. The whole main area is about the size of our kitchen and living room combined and then there is a long ass hall that leads from the stairs to Yosano's office, the medical bay. The door to the main area and the director's office mark the hallway in thirds."

"Good so should we use black lizard?" asked Gin.

I let out an involuntary shudder

"We do what we have to. Y/n-chan, would the space allow for it?"

"I mean, no." I shrugged, "But we've never followed the rules."

"Alright, lemme text the boss." announced Gin, grabbing her phone and typing away.

"Let us know when he responds." I said.

"Duh." she responded, looking up.

I stuck my tongue out at her and we both dissolved into laughter.

"Focus!" yelled Ryu, slamming his hand on the table and bringing us to silence, "We have work to do!"

"Sorry nii-san." groaned Gin and Ryu turned to look at me expectantly.

"Sorry." I chirped, "so, black lizard coming in through the windows? The staircase would be too obvious and there are lots of low buildings nearby they could jump from and stuff."

"Good idea." nodded Ryu, motioning for Gin to write it down before ruffling my hair a bit.

"How much of Black Lizard do you think we'll need?" I asked through a furrowed brow, pushing Ryu's hand off my head and leaning forward to look at the papers spread across the table.

Ryu let out a slight cough and I turned to face him.

"What?" I asked, pushing my hair behind my ear so I could see his face.

"N-nothing." he stuttered, his face a bit flushed.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked, sitting up and giving him my full attention.

"I'm fine!" he said, hurriedly.

"No you're not, your face is all red, do you have a fever?" I leaned forward, my hand out stretched so as to feel his forehead.

The closer I got the more red he looked.

"Hey Y/n-chan!" said Gin from behind me and I turned around, "The boss responded. We've got Black Lizard for the job. Do we just want my squad? how many people do we need?"

"That's great!" I said, excitedly turning away.

Akutagawa mouthed a thank you to his sister from behind my back.

(author: so you don't see it)

"We for sure want your team." I said, putting a finger to my chin in thought.

"We should take Tachihara-san's crew too for good measure." muttered Ryu apologetically.

I winced at the sound of his name

"Might as well bring Ryuurou-san as well! We can take them to the graveyard, grab my parents, and re-enact our first meeting!" I cheered.

"We actually probably do need Ryuurou-san's exclusive group as well." grimaced Gin, bracing herself for my reaction.

I silently regarded the two for a moment.

"Fine. I'm not talking to them, though." I huffed, crossing my arms and looking away.

"That's fine, Gin and I, well, I will take care of all that." assured Ryu, "Now, survivors or no survivors?"

"No survivors!" cheered Gin, tipping over and letting out a bright laugh.

"Y/n-chan, your vote?" he asked, turning to face me.

"Hmmm... we... we can't kill Dazai-san... I mean," I stuttered, quickly recovering from my sympathetic slip up, "we can't win with him there. A lot of Black Lizard members use abilities. We need to keep him away from the site at the time of the crime."

"Smart thinking." groaned Gin, "some survivors then. Only Dazai-san."

"Fine." said Ryu shortly, "how do you suppose we keep him away?"

"Pretty girls?" guessed Gin.

"More like a freshly hung noose." I joked.

"How about Kyoka?" said Ryu

"Huh?" I responded

"We have her kidnap him." he replied

"And bring him to the mafia?" asked Gin

"The boss wanted to talk to him anyway..." hummed Ryu.

"Alright then! We're bringing Dazai-san to the mafia! wow!" I cried, "Wait wait wait! Windows wont work. Too many of us. Some go in through the windows to distract and then the main crew comes through the door. There are no guards anywhere so that wont be a problem. We'll just have to be quiet."

"How about door crew first, then windows? more dramatic." suggested Gin.

"Alright, write that down." agreed Ryu.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" I yelled suddenly.

"What?" asked Gin, she and Ryu used to my outbursts.

"This, is what they're expecting. This, is what we always do. Keep the Kyoka idea cause that's good for other reasons. Send in Gin-chan, Tachinahara-san, and Ryuurou-san with a bunch of untrained newbies. Don't fight. Let them win, give them an easy win. Make them underestimate us next time."

Ryu gave me a skeptical look.

"Alright," he said after a moment, "sounds good. Thinking of the future, smart. When is you dinner with Chuuya-san again?"

status: edited October 26th 2023

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