Chapter Three

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I'm really nervous about actually publishing this story for some reason and so I'm reading it out loud to check for mistakes and I WRITE SUCH LONG CHAPTERS!

It's seven years in the future editing author. I hope you guys know, I look back on this note and think about how wrong that statement was. I want to leave it in though, Im sentimental.



I have no idea how long I have been here. It could have been weeks or, only hours.

There were no windows in the room I was being held in and I was never allowed out. My only human contact had been with someone unfamiliar who hadn't said a word although, they had taken what felt like several pints of blood from my body. Another reason I could not keep track of time was because I kept blacking out. My current situation made me wonder if I hadn't died along with my parents that night. It made me question if this was hell.

I was fed through a tube that had been jammed down my throat when my blood was taken. Every time opened my eyes, some new terror awaited me. The electric shocks and near drowning of the beginning seemed pleasant compared to the things I was now undergoing.

The strange serums, injected into my arm by robotic arms coming down from the ceiling. Burns, from chemicals and heat alike, scattered across my legs. The worst thing by far was, however, the isolation. The cold metallic torturers I had come to know gave me no face to pin the blame on and I spent hours pondering, thinking about Elise and Mori. Wondering what I had done to deserve this, why I had been brought here.

I heard a noise and didn't even bother to look up, expecting it to be more metal arms coming down. It wasn't until I heard a voice that I even tried to open my eyes again.

"Good morning!" called someone cheerily.

The world was blurry and I was exhausted, gagging on the feeding tube as I attempted to catch a glimpse of the person now in the room with me. I heard footsteps and soon, a person with shaggy brown hair was peering over me. He appeared to be a few years older than me and had eyes that were almost kind.

"Let's take care of this, shall we?" he asked, gently undoing the buckles on the straps and taking the tube from my throat.

I sat up, coughing uncontrollably while the man stood next to me, a slight smile gracing his features. When my coughing had, at last, subsided, I looked up. By the door, a boy who appeared to be about my age, stood at attention. He had a long black coat that matched his shaggy hair and coal dust eyes. The man standing next to me was wearing a dark brown coat and had bandages running up his arms and peering over the collar of his shirt. I inadvertently reached out a hand, shakily brushing my fingertips across them.

"Pretty." I said softly before realizing what I had done and, turning bright red, clapped my hands over my mouth, "I am so sorry!"

My voice was hoarse from lack of use and every inch of me was sore. The man looked at me for a moment before breaking out into a peal of bell like laughter.

"It's quite alright." he said, wiping his eyes as the boy by the door glared at us, "I am Dazai Osamu and this is my subordinate Akutagawa Ryunosuke. What's your name?"

I was shocked, staring wide eyed at the brunette before me.

"M-my name?" I stuttered.

He nodded.

"You're the first person to ask." I admitted with a sad laugh, "I'm L/n F/n but everyone calls me Y/n."

"Y/n." he repeated, "Well, nice to meet you Y/n-chan. How are you feeling?"

"like shit." I said simply, "and yourself?"

"I'm actually pretty alright." He said with a soft smile, "I was recently assigned your case and thought I'd pay you a visit."

"What do you mean, assigned my case?"

"Well, I am a Mafia Executive after all and, the boss thought I'd be the best one to handle you. According to him, you are quite rude."

"Ehh, what can you do."

Dazai let out another slight laugh as I shrugged my shoulders. Something about the way he held himself told me that the laugh had not been real.

"So, tell me about yourself, Y/n-chan." he asked.

I immediately stiffened.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked darkly.

"Well," he said, "I'd like to get to know you. Isn't that reason enough?"

Dazai continued to pester me, asking question after question for what felt like hours but, my lips were sealed. Of course, I knew I was a prisoner and that, technically speaking, they could force information out of me. It wasn't like I was trying to keep some big secret, I just didn't trust him. And part of me didn't want to answer him. After all, it was the first real choice I'd had in heaven knows how long. After a while, Dazai abruptly stood up, causing me to turn and face him. To my surprise, he had a pleasant smile on his face as he opened his mouth to speak.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Y/n-chan!" he said cheerily, "I'll be back same time tomorrow and we can continue our little talk. Sadly, the boss wants you to be restrained so, I'm going to have to strap you back down."

He leaned over, hands reaching for the leather belts. I let out a low, menacing, growl and he turned to face me again.

"Now," he said, wagging his finger, "don't be like that! You should be grateful, I wasn't supposed to let you out at all."

I let out another growl as he came nearer. Once his hand was close enough to my face, I quickly grabbed hold of it and bit him. (editing author: why did i write this????) He backed up, surprised and wiping blood on his coat.

"Don't you dare." I said quietly, "don't you dare tie me back down again."

"Oh Y/n-chan." said Dazai sadly, shaking his head slightly, "I really didn't want to have to do this but, I have orders to follow."

I watched him reach into his pocket and backed away as he brought out an expensive looking handgun.

Before I could even take a breath, the world went black.

3rd POV
Y/n fell limp onto her bed as Dazai placed the gun back in his pocket.

"Poor girl." he said sadly, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Akutagawa cleared his throat and Dazai, seeming to come to his senses, quickly belted the girl down before leaving the small room, his subordinate trailing out behind him and locking the door.

status: edited October 24th, 2023

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