chapter forty seven

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y/n pov

~flashback to when you were captured by the agency with Kouyou~

"Why don't you come into the conference room with me, Y/n-chan." said Dazai rather cryptically, "I'd like to talk to you."

Kunikida nodded and Dazai lead me into a smaller room connected to the agency's central room.

I sat down as he locked the door behind us.

"So..." I hummed, placing my still chained hands in my lap, "What can I help you with?"

Dazai remained silent as he took a seat across from me, leaning his elbows on the table and supporting his head on his hands as he looked me over.

"I have a proposition to make, Y/n-chan." he said at last.


"Join the agency, for real this time."

"And why should I do that?"

"You belong here, with us." shrugged Dazai, leaning back in his chair, "You are far too human to be with them."

"I would argue that you are the least human of us all, Dazai-san."

"Or the most."

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I wont leave my family."

"Shame-" began Dazai but I cut him off before he could finish.

"But I will work with you to ensure that both our organizations survive the approaching war."

Now it was my turn to rest my elbows on the table and shoot him an evil, lazy look.

"Osamu, I have a proposition to make."

"I am listening." he hummed, placing his hands behind his head.

I cleared my throat, pushing down the nerves growing in my chest.

"The Guild is here and I know you know who they are, I know exactly what files you saw during your little stay at the mafia, don't try to deny it." I began, "They will tear this city apart until they get what they want, something that would not be beneficial for either of our two organizations."

"So what do you suggest?" asked Dazai, his eyes closed.

"An alliance. A team up. A cease fire. Whatever you want to call it. We are going to need to work together if we are going to save this city."

Dazai opened one of his eyes and seeing how serious I was, opened the other and sat forward.

"No." he said simply.

"You know I'm right." I exclaimed, a bit exasperated, "yet you won't even consider my proposition?"

He was silent for a moment and stood up, pacing the room.

"Have you spoken to anyone else about this idea of yours?"

"No, I came to you first." I answered honestly.

"Wow, aren't I special." he sighed, "The leaders of our two organizations would never agree to it."

"That's why I came to you first. I need backing."

"I would never agree to it." 

"Why not?"

Dazai stopped his pacing and turned to face me for a moment before beginning to walk again.

"My answer is no."

"Is it only because my answer to you was no?"

He was silent and stopped by the window, looking out at the street below us.

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