Chapter Five

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Over the next few days, I began to open up more to Dazai. It started with me just eating in front of him. He would never speak when this happened but, other than that, gave no sign that he had even noticed. One day, I interrupted Dazai when he was on one of his monologues about his annoying partner.

"I like animals." I said very quietly.

Dazai stopped talking abruptly, looking at me with wide eyes.

"A month of silence and that's what you tell us?" scoffed Akutagawa from the door.

I didn't have the energy to fight back but saw Dazai glare at his subordinate.

"How old are you, Y/n-chan?" asked Dazai softly.

"You know that already." I said, looking dead ahead, "you have a file on me, right?"

"You're very right." he said with a light laugh, "but, I'd like to hear it from you."

"What do you want from me?" I asked coldly, fiddling with the bandage around my pinky.

Dazai didn't respond so I continued to speak. The words that had been whirling around my mind quickly and quietly fell from my lips.

"Did you mean it?" I asked.

"Did I mean what?"

"What you said the other day."

He gave a slight nod.

"Why? Why would you help me? What do you gain from it?" I asked, growing louder by the second, "I don't know you and you don't know me! Don't make promises you can't keep."

I couldn't stop yelling at him. I had never acted this way before in my memory but, now I had started, I couldn't stop. The anger filled every aspect of my sense, blinding all sense of reason. Eventually I ran out of insults and my mouth shut.

"I don't break my promises. I will get you out of here." He said softly, once I had stopped speaking, "This isn't right. You're a kid, Akutagawa's age you know."

"So it's not right that I'm here cause I'm his age but its okay for him to be here because...?"

Akutagawa scoffed from his position at the door.

"I have to go now," said Dazai, standing up, "but I'll be back tomorrow. And Y/n-chan? remember, I'm trying to help."

I didn't struggle as he tied me back down and as the door shut, I let out a happy sigh. Something about Dazai's tone had made me trust him. My feeling of contentment, however, did not last long. Much to my surprise, a metal arm descended with a strange contraption consisting of six needles attached to a large cylinder. Before I could do anything, it shot forward, forcing all six needles into my left arm.

I let out a yelp of pain as they hit my bone. Through blurry eyes, I saw another arm lowering towards the same arm, this one holding a knife. It cut into my left arm, next to where the needles still were. The cut spread from my elbow to my wrist. I finally fainted when the two other arm that had lowered from the ceiling as I was being cut stuck their metallic fingers into my wound.

status: edited October 26th 2023

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