Chapter Two

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Y/n Pov

The sharp smell of chemicals flooded my senses as I slowly opened my eyes.

The world was out of focus, soft grays and crisp whites blending with pale blues and sharp silvers. I moved to rub my eyes but, found my hands were secured to the bed I was apparently lying on with thick leather straps.

I decided the next best thing to rubbing my eyes was shutting them tightly for a moment and so, did just that. When I opened my eyes again, a hospital room comes into focus, full of machines that looked like they should be softly beeping but made no noise.

I sat myself up as far as I could which, admittedly, was not very far. I took in my surroundings, cataloguing them just in case I somehow made it out.

 The room I am in is small. There are no windows, several odd machines, a single door, and two florescent lights on the ceiling. I am strapped down to a metal framed hospital bed, though it seems to be more of a gurney than a bed.

I attempted to test the strength of my restraints but found that I couldn't even move enough as to strain against the leather. Resigned, I collapse back onto the bed, carefully examining the ceiling. After a moment, there was the soft sound of a door opening and a little girl with bouncy blond pigtails jumped into the room. I cocked my head slightly to the side, examining the girl before returning to the ever so interesting ceiling.

I felt the bed dip beside me and turned in shock to see that the girl was now sitting on the edge of my bed, intently watching my every move. There was the sound of footsteps and a man, who seemed to be very stressed, with shoulder length, shaggy black hair dashed into the room.

"Elise-chan!" he cried, relief spreading across his face, "I told you not to run ahead!"

The girl, Elise, simply smirked.

"Why are you always so mean?" whined the man before quickly composing himself, "I'm Mori Ougai, The Port Mafia Boss."

"which port?" I asked without thinking.

He looked slightly taken aback.

"Which port, I mean, there are thousands of ports all over the world. You were very vague and I am nosy. Also," I continued, glancing down at my body, "who changed me?"

More disbelief flooded into the creases of Mori's tired features.

"And can we lose these straps?" I asked, "they really are not necessary. I can't really do anything."

Mori gave his head a slight shake, regaining his composure.

"You will stay restrained." he said coldly.

Something in my head told me I was forgetting something. Dropping my other two questions, I quickly said:

"Why am I here?"

Mori didn't say a word but, shared a look with the little blond girl, Elise, I think.

"My parents are dead, aren't they." I asked, the question more like a statement than and question as the memories from last night beginning to trickle in.

He nodded his head.


There was a long silence which was eventually broken by Mori clearing his throat. I looked up at him.

"I have a few questions for you." He said, almost nervously.

I nodded.

"do you know what an ability is?" he asked.


"do you have an ability?"

"I have lots of abilities."



"like what?"

"Well, I have the ability to walk. Not right now of course but, on a normal day I do."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean."

"An ability like, being able to ... manipulate gravity of something."

"Like a super power?"

"No. An ability."

"A super power."

"Fine, if that is the way you want to think about it. Do you have any?"


"I don't trust you."

"Why would I have an 'ability'. Those are just made up."

"We'll have to run some tests."

Mori stood up, taking Elise's hand.

"Well, thank you for your time!" he said cheerfully as Elise snickered, "please stand by while we run some tests."

The man and the little girl left the room and I heard the lock click once the door shut.

Tests? I thought, looking back up at the ceiling, what tests?

A slight buzzing filled the room but, I dismissed it as my mind playing tricks on me until a searing pain carved its way through my body, concentrated on the area around the leather bands. My back attempted to arch in pain but, I was paralyzed from the electrical current, not to mention being held down by my restraints. The buzzing stopped and so did the pain but it left me panting, my limbs tingling.

As I was attempting to catch my breath, I saw a door open above me and with a rushing sound, water began to fall onto me with the force of a busted fire hydrant.

There was water everywhere, in my eyes, my nose, my mouth. I could feel it traveling into my lungs as I struggled to breathe.

At last the water stopped.

So this is what 'tests' means. Huh.

status: edited October 24th, 2023

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