Chapter Fourteen

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"Today." said Fukuzawa before turning away from Dazai and myself, "Dazai go introduce her to everyone."

Dazai nodded and I followed him out of the office. About halfway down the hallway, he stopped and turned to me.

"I'm sorry, y/n-chan." he said.

I shrugged, resisting the urge to punch him square in the jaw.

"It's fine." I said ruefully, "I figured it out on my own anyway. And Akutagawa did help. He kept doing what you did after you left. I asked him to stop. I just wanted it to end. I was weak."

Dazai stared blankly at me as I pushed past him.

"So, Osa-san," I said, returning to my cheerful tone, "Why don't you introduce me to everyone."

"Right." he muttered, stepping quickly in front of me and opening a nearby door.

We stepped in and he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. It worked.

"Everyone," he said to the room, "meet Y/n-chan! She will be working with us from now on."

I stepped forward and bowed.

"Hi!" I said lightly, "I am L/n F/n but, everyone calls me Y/n-chan. My ability is Friends. I look forward to working with you all."

"I'm Kenji!" said a blond boy with a bright smile, "my ability is called Undefeated by Rain."

"I'm Tanizaki Junichiro, my ability is Light Snow." said a kind looking boy with reddish brown hair.

"I'm Tanizaki Naomi!" said a bright girl with long black hair, latching onto Junichiro's arm, "Can you tell we're siblings."

"From last names, yes," I laughed, "but you two don't look anything a like."

"Yosano Akiko." said a pretty woman with cropped dark hair, stepping forward and cutting Naomi off, "Ability, Thou Shalt Not Die. I look forward to treating you."

As she said the last few words, half the room seemed to flinch. If I remembered correctly, her ability only worked on people near death. Her treatment must be to bring people near to death and then save them. Too bad I wont be needing her help, it sounded like it would be an interesting thing to experience.

"Ranpo Edogawa." said a boy with messy black hair and a childish smile, jumping down from a desk, "ability Ultra Detection! I'm the only reason this place can be called a detective agency."

I nodded slightly.

"Haruno Kirako." said a girl with beautiful brown hair and glasses, "I don't have an ability but work with Naomi-chan to keep this office up and running!"

Kunikida stepped forward.

"Dazai will talk to you about your living arrangements." He said, pushing his glasses up his nose, "Congratulations on joining us at the agency."

Dazai pulled me off to the side as the rest of the room got back to work.

"We usually have apartments for all our staff but, we are a bit packed right now so you'll have to share with me!" cheered Dazai.

I wanted to smack him so bad but, couldn't. I had to keep my cover so, I forced a smile onto my face.

"That's great!" I said.

"I know, right!" cried Dazai, looking a bit relieved, "Since you are now a part of the Armed Detective Agency, we need to know the full extents of your ability. Would you mind stepping outside with me to test them?"

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