Chapter Forty Five

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I awoke to see a beautiful, church-like room. Judging by the state of my clothes, Dazai had smashed my head open which meant that probably only twenty minutes, thirty tops, had passed since leaving the Agency building.

"We're close to the Agency. Good to know." I mumbled to myself before slowly sitting up with a groan, drawing all eyes to me.

"Real classy of you Dazai." I muttered, standing up and walking to where the members of the agency were huddled, "I hate that my healing ability doesn't work as well when I like the person."

"You like me?" asked Dazai, seeming surprised, "I thought it was just because you gave me your permission."

"Shut up. I don't really know how it works." I grumbled, taking a seat on the bench beside Kenji, "Are these cuffs really still necessary? I'm not gonna do anything."

"Yes." said Kunikida sharply, "Now stop distracting us."

"Listen, all." said the president as he entered the room and began walking towards the place we all were, "The Port Mafia seeks to eradicate the Agency."

"When have we not." I muttered.

Kunikida shot an angry look my way and I put my hands up.

"Sorry, sorry."

"The guild seeks to destroy the agency." continued the President as if nothing had occurred, "We must protect the agency from these two foes. Dazai, explain."

"Yes sir." said Dazai in his usual lazy tone, "The Guild has substantial financial assets, and the Port Mafia has the numerical advantage. We will split into defensive and offensive teams and engage in guerrilla tactics. The critical goal for the defense is to protect Yosano-sensei here. With her healing ability, as long as we don't die outright, we will be cured of any injury. The offense will split into two teams, and surprise the enemy using Tanizaki-kun's subterfuge ability and my nullification ability. The crux of this strategy is to keep our base of operations hidden. If our enemies were to hit us here with everything they have, our defense would not hold."

"Why are you saying all this in front of her!?" asked Kunikida suddenly, stepping forward and pointing at me, "She's betrayed us multiple times and she works for the mafia, what happens if she escapes?"

"Geez, I thought you had accepted my apology." I groaned, "this is so bothersome."

Kunikida glared at me.

"I had until the little stunt you pulled today."

"What stunt! I had nothing to do with it! I was buying groceries for fucks sake!"

"Additionally, even if she were to escape, Y/n-chan would never tell Mori-san." said Dazai with his signature closed eyed smile.

"How can you be so sure!" yelled Kunikida, putting his arm down.

"She hates him." Ranpo sighed, "Its pretty obvious she is not loyal to the Mafia."

"Yeah, isn't it obvious?" asked Kenji.

"Who are you loyal to then, Miss Y/n?" asked the president.

"My friends, my family...." I smirked, sliding off the bench and jumping up on the table beside Kunikida so I was siting beside him, "but mostly the people who have saved me, time and time again, one of them being you, Dazai Osamu."

I winked and a light pink dusted the older man's cheeks.

"She is fine, Kunikida. Leave your personal grudges at home, things are rather serious now." said Fukuzawa before turning back to the group as a whole, "Only one of the three organizations can survive, our only course of action is to fight! It will be a three way gifted war!"

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