Chapter Twenty-One: Friends & Foes

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A lot of things happened since the last time that I updated. Zayn left the tour, and a few days later... he left the band.

I am heartbroken. I am relieved in a way that he chose what is good for him. He chose his mental over something that stressed him. But I still have a strong feeling of hope in me, and I really hope he comes back.

Please, whatever happens, never stop hoping.

Even though he left the band IRL, in my story, he will still be here, because Zayn has an important part later on...

Before I leave you with this chapter, I just want to say that whatever happens, whatever new story I'll write, I'll always include all the boys in them, because this is how I knew the band, 5 boys/5, and that will never change. I won't ever stop including the boys in my stuff, no matter who quits and who stays.

On this, enjoy this chapter :) I made it as long as I could, you deserve a long one after the busy week we had xx

PS: I know Elounor broke up, but they're still togheter too in the story.

PPS: I hope you're ready for this chapter, because it's full of action ;)

PPPS: I dedicate this chapter to you, @CaptainKillianSwan , you are almost the co-worker of this story, your ideas are AMAZING, and I don't know what I'll do without you :)




I rub my cold glove-covered hands against each other in order to create a bit of heat. London is so freaking cold. I look around the dark and cold empty alley by the building Nikita told me to join Henry. I rub my shoulders over my coat. What's taking him so long??

Right now, I changed my apparence completely. I am wearing a false piercing in my nose and hair extensions with bleached streaks in my hair. I am unreconizable.

A car pulls over by me, and I reconize Henry's silhouette. I smiled a bit, relieved that I won't have to use the gun in my pants... well, not for the moment.

Henry gets out of the car, and approaches me.

"Hi, Henry.", I said.

"Hello, Rose. It's been a while since we saw eachother. Last time I saw you, you were... 13, 14, maybe?"

I smiled: "Yeah, I was young. You haven't changed a bit, Henry."

"God, you've changed. Enough with the talking, better give you the stuff you'll need for your plan to get the black box."

I follow him to his car trunk, me looking around in a kind of paranoid way. He opened the trunk, and got a silver mallet out: "There we go."

He gave it to me: "Thanks, Henry", I said. "You'll say to Nikita to hurry up to help me as soon as she can!"

"I will. And remember... if you EVER need me... call me. I may give you an helicopter ride like when you were young, eh?"

I chuckled a bit. During my training, from 10 years old to 14 years old, Nikita made me meet her allies, and I liked Henry a lot. He was nice, and his cooking is fabulous; his pasta is delicious. Like he said, he owns an helicopter and I begged him for a ride when I was 11, because I was so impressed.

"It was the first time I ever went into a helicopter. It was unprofessional and I was young. If I ever call you for a helicopter ride, it's gonna be for a real matter."

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