Chapter Thirty-Three: If You Never Try, You'll Never Know

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Rose P.O.V

I opened my eyes. I was in the tour bus. I slept well this night, despite my panic attack. I'm thankful that Harry sang to me, it really helped me.

This morning, when I got out of the room, everybody was looking at me. Harry believed the lie I told him, and I hoped he will tell the others too.

I said nothing, I just got out of the hotel and went in the underground parking to get my backpack that pass the whole night there. I kneeled to get my backpack, but I looked under the bus, where a bomb was installed there not even 6 hours ago by Division.

I was fixing this spot, where 6 hours ago, I was screaming and panicking to get out. I don't know what happened. I've always been in close spaces before for my missions, but this night, it was plain horrible.

I sighed. What on earth is Division planning?


Arrived at destination, in the next hotel, Nikita was there at the reception, as well as fans outside screaming for the boys.

"Mom!!", I said, hugging her. "What are you doing here?", I played the act.


I hugged her: "I need to talk.", I whispered.

"When we'll have time...", she whispered back.

I looked at the guys: "Hey, look who's here!"

"Hi, Mrs. Brooks!", Eleanor waved.

"Hi, Eleanor! You are so pretty, today!"


"I really like your shirt, where did you buy it?"

"Oh, at Hollister's."

"Mom, she's my friend, not yours!", I said to Nikita, while meaning 'could you girl-talk her later, I really need to talk to you'.

"So, you guys have a show tonight?", Nikita asked the boys.

"No, tomorrow, but we'll maybe record a few new songs.", Liam said.

"Here?", I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, we do it all the time. Quick and effective!", Louis said.

"And anyway, we'd like to give you time between mother and daughter.", Harry smiled. I smiled back. Then Nikita looked at both me and Harry, confused, and cleared her throat: "Come on, Katherine, I think I saw a cute café near the hotel..."

Minutes later, Nikita and I were walking side by side to a café, where we could go to a cybercafé and hack Division to have answers.

"I'm happy that you forgave me.", Nikita broke the silence.

"By the moment, I didn't have the choice, but now I understood that you meant well. But for Owen, that really set me off!", I explained.

"Yeah, we got that when you sent the couch flying!"

"I swear I have no idea how I did that!" I sighed. "Anyway, I need to tell you something important."


"Yesterday, when I deactivated the bomb... I... had a panic attack after that."

Nikita stopped and looked at me: "Oh no, Rose..."

"It never happened before. I was out of control, it was like if I came back in time and lived all the experience over again."

Nikita sighed, feeling bad, and put a rassuring hand on my shoulder.

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