Chapter Thirty-Four: Here & Now

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Rose P.O.V

A month later

The boys' tour was finally over. Now, they had at least a six month break. I took the first plane to New-York. Harry told me he'd join me there before I left.

After 4 hours of flight, I took the first taxi I saw and asked to go to my apartment. Thirty minutes later, the taxi dropped me at my apartment. I payed him, and received a text from Harry telling he'd be there in 2 hours, as he was already in another flight.

Before I entered my apartment, I remarked something. My car was there. The car Henry gave to me and... wait, I thought I left it in London!

There was a paper in the windshield. I snatched it off and read it:

Hey, I'm giving you a gift and you forget it in London? I'm sure you'll need it, so, again, happy birthday in advance!

- Henry

I laughed. Stupidly, I completely forgot about the car he gave me. I mean, it's a car. It's not small and easy to lose, like a ring or an ugly wool shirt your grandma gives to you at Christmas.

Fortunately, I kept the keys.

Then, I realized Harry was coming in two hours, and that I still didn't have the time to do a clean up in my apartment. At this moment, I got from the street to inside my apartment in a fraction of seconds.

I put all my weapons in a metal case, and hid it in my wardrobe, covering it with clothes so it won't show. I took everything out of the boxes and put them where they needed to be (dishes in the cupboards, and stuff like that.)

I asked Dolores downstairs for a vacuum, and I passed it all around my apartment. With the time, I put a bandana in my hair to get the strands out of my face, because they would stick on the sweat on my forehead (gross). I took a spray cleaner and made sure that EVERY PART of any room, from the hall to my bathroom, would be spick and span. The walls were disgusting, and it looked better, now.

After at least an hour of cleaning, doing my bed and even cleaning my sinks, I crashed on the couch with a groan. I was so into my cleaning, that I forgot I actually have jet lag. So I was dead.

I looked around. The boxes were gone, and with the furniture, it actually looked like any apartment owned by any normal girl, which you all know I'm not. I'm an assassin.

I yelped and fell off the couch when a knock was heard on my door.


Shit, Harry was there already?

I opened the door: "Weren't you supposed to come in an hour? I thought I had time to prepare myself!"

"The plane came earlier.", he smiled, entering my apartment.

"I didn't have the time to put something decent and take a shower, I look like shit!"

"Don't say that, you look beautiful."

I looked at him: "Really, Styles?"

He approached me and smiled: "Really."

I smiled back: "So, we're doing those spaghettis, or what?"


Minutes later, Harry and I were waiting for the sauce and pastas to be ready. I almost dropped the whole can of salt in the noodles' water and if it wasn't from Harry, I would've put hot pepper sauce in the spaghetti sauce.

"Cooking is not a natural talent in my book, so I hope you'll like it.", I said.

He spun me and took me in his arms. I yelped and laughed: "Harry, what are you doing?"

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