Chapter Thirty-Nine: 'O Sole Mio

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Rose P.O.V

A week later

The last week... has been amazing. Harry and I were enjoying ourselves in a hotel in Rome. For the last week... I felt... normal.

Thank goodness, people didn't remark Harry's presence in Italy until now. I made in sort it remained that way. Harry understood why.

"I want to enjoy every moment with you.", he said to me with a smile.

"Me too.", I said back.

For the last week, we did a lot of fun activities. We went on a boat tour ride, we visited museums (I told Harry I've always wanted to visit the Sistine Chapel. It's true though, I remember Daisy coming back from a trip in Italy and saying how amazing it was...), we went into the Coliseum... gosh, we did so much things.

It was like if, for a few moments, Harry wasn't some popular singer or I wasn't an undercover assassin. We were enjoying our vacations like any normal couple would.

But things can't always go the way you plan, right?

Because after a week, fans (mostly tourists ones) started to reconize Harry, and they weren't happy to see him with a girl. Fortunately, my face was hidden by sunglasses and a big hat, so they didn't completely see me. But I made in sort we couldn't see my brown hair, in case Division find the pictures the fans will surely put on the social medias.

So Harry and I packed our things, and just like that, we went in a private car that will take us to Venice.

We laughed out loud as the car took us away from Rome.

"Oh my gosh! The... the dirty-blonde haired one... wanted to kill you!!", Harry laughed out loud.

"HARRY IS MINE, BITCH!", I yelled, mimicking the girl.

We kept laughing, until Harry grabbed my face and kissed me. We kept kissing, until we heard the driver that cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable.

I slid a lot of euros in the driver's coat pocket: "Harry Styles was never in your cab... right?"

"I already forgot the both of you.", he said casually with his Italian accent. Harry and I chuckled.

It takes 2 hours from Rome to Venice. So I startd to think. I wanted those moments to last forever! Since Harry and I are on vacations, I started gaining sleep again. I sleep like a baby, all cuddled against Harry's warm chest.

But a few days ago, something... awkward happened between us.

2 days ago

Harry and I decided to take a big expedition around Rome. There was a time, where we came back to the hotel, completely exhausted and full of sweat. I was undressing myself in the bathroom, about to take a shower. I was in my underwear, when I heard the door burst opened.


I turned around in shock at the voice: Harry was there. I gasped, hiding myself with my hands the most possible. I felt heat creeping past my cheeks.

I was half-naked!!! And Harry had only a towel refraining him to show his birthday suit.


"Oh... uh... I-I'm sorry Katherine. I thought you... uh... Ishouldveknockedsorry.", Harry mumbled, closing the door and leaving me in total shock in my underwear.

Once again, I wet my panties (WHY DOES HE HAVE THIS EFFECT ON ME???). I mean, for a few seconds, it's like the rest of the world didn't exist. My eyes were only watching Harry. Everything about him that made me feel a bizarre warm feeling inside.

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