Chapter Thirty-Seven: In Your Wildest Dreams

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Hey guys :)

Here's a quick update for y'all. Yeaaaaah :D

*WARNING* This chapter has sexual content. Be aware that I'm not going deep into the details, but it's so weird for me, so please, DON'T JUDGE!!!


aria xx


Rose P.O.V

It has been a few days since I'm officially 18. It's so weird. I mean... I'm legal. Okay, in Canada and the UK among countries. Only 3 more years to be legal in the USA, haha.

I feel weird. I mean, Harry and I slept a few times in the same bed. It felt good to be cuddled against someone. Boy, last time I fell alsleep like that... it was cuddled against my mommy, or my sisters. Rarely my father, since he was never home. But when he was there, the rare times, I remembered snuggling my head into his chest and cling on his arm, saying: "Please don't leave, daddy."

And Dad would answer: "Never on purpose, Rosie."

I sighed. I was presently laying on Eleanor's bed. I was so freaking tired. I wasn't sleeping well these days, despite Harry's presence helped. And when I actually got through sleep, it was short timed, and I was hella tired when I woke up. Damon's return started to bring back bad memories. Also, it stressed me at no end. Each time Harry proposed to go out, I'd try to change the topic or propose something else.

And I started to be paranoid. What if someone filmed me kicking his ass? And posted it on the Internet? I didn't want Division to go here and--

I slapped myself. Literally. Shit, I needed to go to sleep. But I couldn't. When I was miracally sleeping, I had tiny nightmares. When I woke up, I fortunately didn't wake Harry up, because I knew that'd worry him. So, I was just cuddling against Harry and fixing him, as something was gonna happen to him, and usually felt asleep after looking at him for a while.

I stood up and went down the stairs. I was alone. The boys went for a management meeting about arrangements for their next tour, next year, and Eleanor went shopping with her friend Danielle, who turns out to be Liam's ex.

So I couldn't take it. I made myself an herbal tea. I gulped half through it. I started to become sleepy, but I knew that wouldn't be enough. So I went into the boys' pharmacy in the bathroom, hoping to find someone sleep pills.

Oh my gosh, they wrote their names on stickers on the shelves to be sure to not mix their things! I smiled and shook my head, those boys, I swear. I went through their things, but found nothing. Until I fell in Zayn's things... he had a bottle of sleep pills. Yes!

But then I thought about it... he surely didn't have a lot of sleep. Poor him. I tried to discretly talk to him about something that bothered him... who was I kidding to expect to him to spill the beans just like that! He, of course, changed the topic.

I took a pill and swallowed it, sinking it down my system with the rest of the herbal tea. Minutes later, I was in Eleanor's dark room, laying on her bed, my head on the pillow. Within minutes, I was gone through sleep.


I entered the building. When the guard saw me come in, he tried to get his gun out. I took my heel and threw it right in his face. I took advantage of his moment of diziness to knock him out between grunts.

When he was knocked out, I fixed my red dress and put my heel back on. I entered the building, and shot my way through guards, putting my gun in my white lace garter afterwards. I kept walking in the corridor full of mirrors. I was wearing a bright strawberry red gown. I had black heels. My hair were in a chich bun with glitters in it and I had a shadow cat-like makeup.

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