Chapter Fifty: Turning The Tables

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The next day...

Rose P.O.V

Last night has been a real piece of crap. A bunch of crazy girls attacked Eleanor. When we got back to the hotel, I cleaned up her wounds and said to her not to tell anyone, not to worry Louis, who'll surely shit bricks if he learned some of his (so called) fans attacked his girlfriend.

Also because Eleanor saw me kick their lame asses.

Today, the boys were coming to do their first show of their new tour. I was preparing myself. I bought a pretty pink dress with Eleanor the other day. I put it on and put my hair in a ponytail, curling the ends. I put my gloss on, and sighed. I found myself pretty.

I went through my things, and sighed. My mother's perfume. I put a tiny bit of perfume on my wrist and rubbed them togheter. I smelled it and closed my eyes, to remind myself of the rassuring smell of my dead mother.


I looked at Eleanor. She was wearing a turquoise V-neck dress.

"Are the bruises noticeable?"

I approached her, and understood that she put makeup on to hide the bruises the girls did on her.

"No. Are you okay?"

"I don't really have the choice...", she muttered, before looking at me: "I have the impression you're hiding something..."

I gulped: "What are you talking about?"

"I know you lied about being attacked the day we first met... Liam said the way you fought was really professional. I doubted it at first, but by the way I saw you fought the drunk guy and those girls yesterday..."

Shit, she got me busted.

"Why did you lie? What are you hiding so big?"

I sighed: "I'll tell you Eleanor... but not now. W-We'll be late for the soirée, the boys understood we missed their show to prepare ourselves, but I don't want to make them wait."

Before I could go, she grabbed my arm: "What tells me you're not running away from the situation again?"

I looked at her dead in the eyes: "Eleanor... I promise I'll tell you. But not now. And please... don't tell Harry."

She sighed: "Okay. So you'll give me an explanation?"

"When I promise something... I mean it."


At the soirée

Eleanor and I entered the building where the soirée takes the place. The soirée was organized by Syco to celebrate the start of the 5th tour. Fortunately, it was private so no crazy fan in view for tonight, THANK GOD.

I went at the buffet's table, to grab a bit of punch. The boys should come soon. I looked around, it was greatly decorated.

"Hey, beautiful."

I turned my head when I heard a familiar raspy voice with a british accent.

"Harry.", I smiled. We gave a quick kiss and we hugged.

"You've got a new haircut?", Harry asked, separating from the hug.

I gave a small smile: "Yes. I did it myself. Do you like it?"

"Yes, you're beautiful.", he gave me another hug, making me giggle. "I'm so sorry for the picture thing...", he said against my neck.

"Nah, it's alright.", I said honestly.

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