Chapter Forty: The Breaking Point

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Third Person

A gasp resounded as Rose sat up in the bed. She was panting. She looked around her. She was in her hotel room, in Venice.

She didn't have any nightmares, for a change. But she didn't feel right. She had a bad feeling. The temperature was freezing. But not just because of the hotel's conditioned air. She heard the wind blow loudly, but peacefully at the same time. She looked in front of her. The window was wide opened.

Panic slow got into her head. She clearly remembered this window being closed. She shivered, her naked skin getting covered in goosebumps.

Why was she naked, again? She had lost her virginity. To her boyfriend, Harry Styles, who was sleeping peacefully next to her. As took Harry's shirt that was on ground, and put it on, also with her panties, she had flashbacks of the last events, that occured in the same bed she was in.

She shook her head to get her own moans out of her head, and contracted her arms around her to create heat. Harry's smell of cologne from his shirt tickled Rose's nostrils, and it made her feel a bit better.

At the moment she wanted to stand up, she groaned when she felt a light pain between her legs, due of the events of not even a few hours ago. It didn't bother her that much when she walked (or limped) to the window to close it, her mind focusing on why the window was opened. When it was closed and locked, she paranoidly looked around, to be sure no one was there. She looked into the bathroom, no one.

The only people in the hotel room was her and the sleeping Harry Styles.

She started to think when she walked back to the queen-sized bed. She was sure she felt a presence in the room. She felt it. She wasn't crazy, that's what woke her up!


She put the covers back over her, putting herself into a foetal position to create heat, and put her head into the pillow. Maybe what woke her up wasn't what she thought. Maybe the stress that refrained her to fall asleep after the awful ending of her sex-session with Harry came back to wake her up.

Rose looked over Harry's direction. He was peacefully sleeping. His long curly hair all over his face, his pursed lips letting out long breaths. He looked like a sleeping toddler, it was so cute and beautiful to watch.

Rose sighed, and ran her finger through Harry's hair; a thing he did often to her. She loved him so much. She wished she could've been able to finish what they started. But she couldn't. Not only because she was afraid to strengthen the bond she created with him, plus she was an assassin with a war with Divison, a top secret dangerous agency that could kill Harry only to hurt Rose, if they ever know who she is, something she will refrain at all costs.

"I just wish I could tell you...", she whispered, caressing his soft cheek, a tear sliding down her cheek.


Next morning

Harry opened his eyes. The sunlight getting through the window. He stretched his arms until he heard a crack in his and grunted in hope to wak him up, sitting up. He remembered he was naked. Automatically, the events of last night with Katherine played back in his head. He looked over her. Her back still facing him, like last night.

He looked down. He felt bad she panicked, last night. It wasn't her fault if she wasn't ready. But something he didn't get, is why she stopped at the moment is started to really feel good, as the pain was long gone for her.

Harry may don't understand, but he respected her choice.

He stood up, the springs of the bed squeaking. His girlfriend flinched and looked at him.

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